What It’s Really Like Getting a Coronavirus Test
This is our story of what it feels like getting a Coronavirus test. Here’s my disclaimer. We live in London, Ontario and we went for Covid tests the week before Labour Day when one of us showed 1-2 symptoms. Waits for testing and actual local case numbers were low then. Now, they have changed. This was our experience getting a Coronavirus test. Why Were We Getting A Coronavirus Test? Three weeks ago, my older daughter, who was just about to start university went to sleep with extreme stomach upset. After a night spent running to the bathroom, we were a little concerned. Sure, it could have been nerves at starting…
Online Prescription Refill Makes Managing Family Health Easier
This online prescription refill post has been sponsored by The Health Depot. I received compensation and my opinion is truthful. Prescriptions are the bane of my existence. Let me explain. Everyone here is on at least one prescription. My kids have anxiety disorder and FASD and ADHD and I have Crohn’s disease. I make no effort to hide our health care struggles and challenges. In fact, I talk about them often, because I know we are not alone and other parents need to know they are also not alone. Recently, I found a solution to a BIG health care pain point. Easy Solutions Give Me Time Back The Health Depot…
9 IVF Facts You May Not Know
This year marks the 40th anniversary of the birth of Louise Brown, the world’s first IVF baby. Since then, many people have built families via IVF, but Louise Brown will always be the most celebrated IVF baby ever. To mark this special occasion, I’ve put together 9 IVF facts that you might not know just to have a little fun. Whether you are an IVF baby yourself, or have been through the process, you can learn something here. IVF is an incredible advancement of reproductive technology and the procedure has changed so many lives in the last 40 years. Read on for more. IVF Facts Trivia These facts and tidbits are…
How to Be a Fertility Advocate #IVF4BC #WeAre1in6
Ready to use your voice? Ready to be a fertility advocate? Are you one of the 1 in 6 in British Columbia struggling to conceive? Do you want to help? Then I have good news for you. The IVF4BC infertility patient advocacy group has some thoughts on how to become a fertility advocate. There’s an art to advocating effectively. Using your voice to build a conversation with politicians and policy makers is the start of the process. But there’s a dramatic difference between jumping on a soapbox to preach or shout at someone, and sharing a story passionately and supporting that story with facts. In British Columbia right now, a…
Embracing Caregivers #CareforaCarer
Are you a caregiver for someone with unique needs or health care challenges? I see you. I know you miss many social events, or family gatherings. Perhaps you stopped work entirely to care for someone you love. Or you switched to part time, freelance or contract. Chances are good you have missed your own doctor’s and dentist’s appointments. Maybe, you woke up so bone weary one morning you drove down the street without your glasses. Maybe you forgot to take your own medicine. How do I know any of this? Been there, done that. For years my life has been health care triage. Juggling an overwhelming number of specialist’s appointments,…
Get Loud for Girls – Mental Health Awareness Week #GetLoud
I had no plans to write about Mental Health Awareness Week, but there’s this conversation I recently had with a male paediatric psychiatrist that struck a chord. It continues to disturb me, because it rang true. So, I need it off my chest so to speak. I need it out of my head. Get Loud for Girls? You might be wondering why just girls? It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and I want you to get loud for everyone. Get loud for the 1 in 5. BUT, I want you to think hard about whether Mental Health Awareness and Care is equal for males and females, especially when it comes to…
Infertility Statistics in British Columbia – It’s Time for Accessible Health Care #IVF4BC
Infertility statistics in British Columbia might surprise you. They might shock you. They should be repeated and shared and talked about. 1 in 6 Families in BC struggle with infertility. That means you know someone in your circle that has infertility, or has been through infertility. Maybe they shared their story with you. Maybe they struggled quietly. This upcoming May British Columbia marks two important events. The provincial election occurs May 9th, and the lead up weeks are a time to inquire where the parties stand on IVF funding. When the politicians running for office in your riding come to your door, ask them where they stand on public funding for…
Jubilee Ministries, Lusaka #TTOT #vaccineswork
I have learned many tricks to keep from crying. But none of them work in this community in Western Lusaka, Africa. On an October day when still jet lagged we meet three Zambians changing Lusaka one heart at a time. Making an impact by ministering to the needs of Zambians in a community that sits on the outskirts of Lusaka. This is a neighbourhood devastated by AIDS and HIV. And this is the story that breaks my heart the most during our stay in Zambia. It’s our first day here and we have travelled all over Lusaka, Zambia. We started the day early and went from appointment to appointment, to…
Best Provinces For Fertility Treatment #CIAW #IVF4ON
Canadian Infertility Awareness Week is upon us again and infertility advocates have accomplished a great deal this year. Funding is in place and many Ontario infertility patients are now accessing their funded round of IVF treatment. That’s a huge success for Ontario patients and advocates and frankly it saves money and helps to create healthier families. Over 50 different clinics across the province now offer government funded fertility treatments.We are already seeing the first pregnancies as a result of the Ontario IVF (in vitro fertilization) funding program. Conceivable Dreams patient group thought it would be worthwhile this year to take a look at what other provinces are doing and not doing to support infertility…
Nine Things We Want You To Know About Infertility – #IVF4ON #ONPOLI
It must be spring because everyone is suddenly pregnant, or posting a photo of their new arrival on Facebook. At this time of year with Spring, plus Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Infertility Awareness Month all wrapped up in one big bundle, family is everywhere. The triggers for infertility patients are seemingly endless. Even I am feeling it this year and we adopted our children 13 years ago. I guess that’s proof the emotions of infertility never go away. With spring comes the constant reminders of people who have suddenly succeeded at getting pregnant. That’s hard for so very many people waiting, or in the process of undergoing treatment for infertility.…