Horse Life Cycle Learning Games Booklet
What do you know about the horse life cycle? What do your kids know about horses? This horse life cycle learning kit is four pages and it might help reinforce a love of literacy while nurturing compassion for living things in general. My daughter rides horses and she has a passion for them. She’s been riding at Sari Therapy Riding since she was about 5 or 6 and she’s 16 now. She looks forward to doing this weekly and knows a lot more about horses than I ever have in my entire life. She has done summer camps that involve horseback riding and therapeutic riding lessons as well as dressage. In the…
Shrimp Life Cycle Booklet
Shrimp is one of my favourite foods, so I started to wonder recently about the shrimp life cycle too. My brain sometimes works that way. If you spend any time here on Thrifty Mommas Tips at all, then you probably already know that shrimp is my food. Just last month I wrote about a shrimp boat tour that we did in 2019 in Coastal Mississippi. But what do you actually know about shrimp? I mean they taste great and all, but what’s their life cycle like? Shrimp Life Cycle The shrimp life cycle is actually pretty interesting. If you are doing any learning units about food and where it comes…
Praying Mantis Life Cycle Games Activity Booklet
What do you know about the praying mantis or the praying mantis life cycle? It is at once one of the creepiest and also one of the coolest bugs going. That’s why I thought it would be fun to share this praying mantis life cycle games booklet with you. Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I receive a small commission via purchases made. There comes a point in every elementary school curriculum when they teach life cycles of animals, plants, humans and insects too. So, whether you are doing remote learning, or in person school this crazy pandemic year, you can probably use this educational booklet…
Orca Whale Life Cycle Games and Learning Booklet
Orca whales are so fascinating. So is the orca whale life cycle. So, this orca whale life cycle games booklet should be an excellent activity for the younger kids in your home. While I have been whale watching, and I have seen several outside Tadoussac, Quebec, I have yet to see orca whales in the wild, in their natural habitat. That is a bucket list travel goal. These whales belong to the Oceanic dolphin species and can be found in many places around the world. They are highly social and have been heavily mythologized in indigenous culture. Orca Whales live in pods of uptown 40 members and they hunt together.…
Alligator Life Cycle Learning Kit Printables
No matter where you live, you simply have to agree that alligators are very cool creatures. This alligator life cycle learning kit is four pages and can help reinforce a love of science and literacy as well as learning about living things in general. Free Kids Alligator Life Cycle Learning Tools and Games That, right now, is something we can all use. More activities that are free and easy to use for the kids. I mean I am fully aware that we are all scrambling to fill the extra time at home with meaningful activities for kids. In my opinion, remote learning and in person learning have both been a…
Frog Life Cycle Educational Booklet
When I was a child, I was frog crazy. I don’t know what it was about frogs to tell you the truth. But, perhaps it’s the frog life cycle that was part of the appeal. As a student in elementary school, I used to always opt in to do the assignments featuring tadpoles and frogs. I still remember going to a swamp to gather a few tadpoles for a social sciences project in grade five or six, I think. Tadpoles were always plentiful in swamps and ponds in Guelph It was always fascinating to watch those tadpoles sprout little legs and become full fledged frogs. Kind of miraculous to watch…
Easy Bee Life Cycle Learning Kit
I know many of you have been thrust into the homeschooling mode this past few weeks. You are probably looking for resources that are affordable. Here’s a Bee Life Cycle Activity that will help kids studying early science and life cycles. As many of you know, we are dealing with teenagers here and high school is totally different than elementary school, of course. But, even so, I have kids with ADHD and ADD and learning disabilities, so my reality is that I need to supervise my kids if anything is to get completed here at all. Easy, Educational, Activity Books If you have little people, then you might be hunting…