Best Environmentally Safe Ways to Keep Pests out of your Garden
Your garden can be a calming, relaxing, and rewarding experience. You get to grow your own food and know that your food is coming from a healthier place than what you might find in your local grocery store. When it comes to having your own garden there are pests that can arrive to threaten your crop. If you have pests hanging around your garden and you are searching for some of the best environmentally safe ways to keep them out, then you’ve come to the right place. Check out my list of the best environmentally safe options to keep those pesky pests out of your garden. If you need indoor all…
Organic Grub Control – All Natural Ways to Knock Them Out
Organic grub control is something that anyone with a yard has probably looked into at some point. Grubs are vicious lawn murderers. When grubs get to work on your lawn’s root system, it’s bye bye, lush and green, and hello, brown and dead! Pesticides are fast falling out of favor because of our new knowledge about how they affect us and our environment, and many people are making moves towards green alternatives. That includes organic grub control. Organic Grub Control – Destroy the Grubs, not the Environment Over a season, grubs can really damage the health of our lawns. They munch on the root systems of our gorgeous green grass,…
Getting Rid of Wasps Naturally
By now you have probably searched how to get rid of wasps naturally many times this summer. Is there anything more annoying in the summer months than wasps? There’s a point in August where every time I set foot in my outdoor office (i.e.. my deck in the backyard) I am practically swarmed by wasps. That makes me nuts. But at the same time I don’t want to spray harsh chemicals around the yard. I mean we play there all the time and I work there too. So how do you get rid of wasps naturally? Is it even possible, or are they resistant to anything but a heavy handed…