Photo Showcase for the Digital Age
This Nixplay photo showcase post was sponsored by Nixplay and I received product in exchange for consideration here. A photo showcase is a great way to show off your favourite memories. From family gatherings and trips to those memorable get-togethers with friends, a photo showcase allows you to share your most cherished memories with anyone who visits your home and always keeps those moments in your heart. There was a time when showcasing my photos meant I had to devote an entire wall to several photos. That’s a great way to do it, but when you run out of walls or if you don’t have a lot of wall space,…
Canadian Bloggers and a Linky from #BBNYC #SweetSuite2015 #WordlessWednesday
I didn’t have a chance to share this one yet on Instagram or anywhere else. This shot is one of my favourites from Sweet Suite at Blogger Bash New York City earlier this month. Three Canadian bloggers taking a break from networking and meeting with all the brands. It was a great event, with so many great sponsors I look forward to sharing with you soon. This is one of my dearest friends, Margarita Ibbott, @downshiftingpro and the other half of @linkedmoms. I am of course in the middle and the lovely Katrina Thom of @TOTSFamily is on the end. There were actually several Canadian bloggers at the conference, old…
Arizona Canucks #Mom2summit #WordlessWednesday #travel
Okay now don’t pay attention to my hideous bangs that were not behaving in this picture. At the time I really didn’t care. This picture was taken on our last day together at Mom 2.0 summit in Arizona. These ladies are simply fabulous and if you don’t follow them yet, you must. Merry Spooner Kuchle (whose name I finally figured out how to pronounce correctly) has an infectious personality and was my roommate on this, my second ever Mom 2.0 conference experience. She blogs at Merry About Town and lives in Calgary. Debbie Kee Balino is Babystylista. She rocks. She is THE baby and toddler fashion blogger. She also occasionally blogs…
Hugs from Dad #WordlessWednesday #Travel #Tremblant
I rarely share shots of my spouse here. Why? Because he hates having his picture taken. Sad but true. Husband of blogger hates having picture taken. Honestly. So capturing a nice shot of him on film is a big deal for me. I often point my iPhone at him when we travel and he turns or moves ruining the shot. Early in March we were all invited to Mont Tremblant to visit as a family unit. While we were there, the entire family learned how to ski in two days!! I am super proud of that, in case you couldn’t tell. We went dog sledding and we hiked and walked…
March Break #WordlessWednesday #skiing
These aren’t the best pictures I have ever taken, but they are some of my favourites from the last week. It was spring break here and so I spent my time with two of the little people I love most in the universe. My husband had to work. So did I, but I played hookie during the day a bit and went skiing every afternoon with my kids. Ainsley did ski camp at a local ski hill and together we all improved in our confidence and ability on skis. We only just learned this month. I wrote about learning to ski as a family here in case you haven’t read…
Family Ski Lessons #WordlessWednesday #Tremblant #Travel
Well, if you already follow me on Instagram then you probably know what we’ve been up to. This past weekend we headed to Tremblant by plane, which was super fast and efficient by the way. Thanks very much Porter Airlines. Much to my surprise and enjoyment my kids began speaking French really well from the time we arrived at the airport. Our weekend was amazing and such a great chance to play together as a family. But more about that tomorrow. Stay tuned for the recap of the entire beautiful experience. I think this is another one that lends itself beautifully to a few posts. Anyways, as it is Wednesday, this…
Serious – Or Mom Got a New Camera #WordlessWednesday #LINKY
This is my Mom got a new camera look. I think it’s serious. What do you think? I am trying to improve my photography as a goal this year. This is a Wordless Wednesday post. Link up if you wish. Share a comment.