This was Eight – #WordlessWednesday
This was eight.
The year you got your junior black belt. The year you got a teacher that really truly liked and got you. The year your friends became really big in your world. The year you made laser webs from yarn and spun them through your room. The year you fought with your sister, and then fell asleep in her bed. The year you wondered why Grandma had to get Alzheimer’s and then simply quietly helped her – often and without being asked. The year you got an appliance for your teeth. The year you won three trophies. The year you grew about two inches and gained some more reading skills. The year you continued to drive me mad with your energy and questions and occasional screaming fits. The year you gained some more skills to cope with your disability. The year you slept over at Aunt Michelle’s. The year you got a new cousin. The year you swam and cuddled and ate more than a few French Fries. The year you ate your weight in peanut butter.
This was eight.

Country Mouse, City Mouse
What a great post, Paula! Happy Birthday to your special girl:)
Paula Schuck
Thanks Pam! 🙂
Annie Brown
Sounds like 8 has been a pretty good year… here’s to an amazing 9th year!
Paula Schuck
I sure hope so. She is honestly getting better at stepping back when she has a sense of overwhelm.
Shayna Murray
Love it! Hope 9 is full of more great memories!
Paula Schuck
Thank you! I hope so too.
Kathryn Lavallee
This is a beautiful WW. Love it. 🙂
Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens
I absolutely love it Paula! As a parent myself, that was truly something special..*smile
Everything Mom and Baby
What a fantastic year!
Veronica Lee
Happy Birthday to your gorgeous daughter!
Elizabeth FrugalMomEh
What a year, I hope 9 is just as good!
Manager to Mom
Lovely post! The laser webs sound pretty cool. 🙂 Happy birthday to your not-so-little-anymore girl and hope she enjoys her 9th year just as much!
What a wonderful idea, the story of when she was eight. Paula, do you do this each year?
Brandi Yee
Awwww beautiful post Paula!!! SOO sweet…sounds like it was a great year. Happy Birthday to your beautiful girl! 🙂
Christine McN
WOW! What a fabulous post! This will be something she can look back on when she’s older. So awesome that you are documenting these moments for posterity. xo
Paula Schuck
Thanks Christine! I hope she remembers her successes as fondly as I do.
Shari G
What a great way to remember her year!!