Tria Beauty Series Post 4: At Home Hair Removal
I can’t stress enough how safe and gentle the Tria At Home Hair Removal Laser is. It literally can’t be unlocked by someone with the wrong skin tone and it won’t work without being activated. So, it’s truly a device just for me. I like that. My first post was all about the Tria safety features. And I don’t worry that my kids will accidentally grab it and try to zap each other. I have found also that it’s easy to add Tria At Home Hair Removal Laser to your routine. That was my second post. My third post on tips and tricks to maximize your device is here.
So, what’s left to tell? Well, I am still using the Tria and seeing some small results already. Hair on my legs is thinner. But I am hoping for more than that. I want this to work like magic and erase the hair for a few weeks. I mean, wouldn’t that be perfect timing for resort season and then for summertime, when bare legs are the rule? I have seen many other devices on TV being marketed for at home hair removal. But, the Tria is a licensed Canada medical device. Its results are guaranteed. For best results you need to use it for three months.
Tria doesn’t work when it is still plugged in being charged. It is intended for use on light skin tones. It is not to be used on the groin and it is also not to be used for manscaping. (LOL). The Tria is perfect for facial and body hair that is brown or light brown. It is not for use on red, grey or light blonde hair. It doesn’t absorb enough of the laser light to remove the lighter shades of hair.
I was not compensated for this post, but received a Tria At Home Hair Laser for my personal use. I will give one away in late April or May.
Brenda Penton
I’ve been thinking about getting a Tria. I like that it can now be used on the face. I love the new colors. Are you only using it on your legs?
Paula Schuck
Brenda: Sorry I just spied this comment now. I apologize. I am actually using it on legs and trying a bit on the underarm area. As I get more comfortable I am also trying it on the facial areas I need help with.