family,  Giveaways

Tucker Toys Crush-It and Zoingo Boingo for Spring and a #Giveaway

I know that spring may seem months away when you are staring down a lawn of snow and roads that are treacherous. But frankly it’s almost Groundhog Day and soon we will know if we have another six weeks of skiing, or an early chance to put the shovels away.

When it comes to spring time, I find it sometimes helps with kids to have a few new cool toys hanging around waiting for them to use outdoors. That’s where these Tucker Toys, the Crush-It adjustable high powered bat, and Zoingo Boingo come in handy. Great spring toys help parents like us manage spring fever.


Toys That Help Cure Spring Fever

Is spring fever a reality at your house? We’ve found the solution to that. Tucker Toys Crush-It and Zoingo Boingo will help to get your kids outside and active. And if they are already outside and active spinning in circles because it’s finally spring then these toys will also give them something to focus that energy.



Together they will help you to battle spring fever.


Spring fever is very real here. Every year one or both of my kids begin to get squirrelly after months of winter. Oh we are busy every winter doing awesome things like travelling, skiing, skating, swimming, dancing, acting, horseback riding and martial arts. WHEW!!!

But even with all of that activity, when the temperatures change, coats come off, and clocks spring forward, my kids want to be outside. In fact it’s often hard to get them back inside to go to bed or to do homework. That’s mostly okay. But I find that increase in energy sometimes challenging to deal with.

My younger child could bike and skateboard from dawn until dusk if we let her do that all day in the spring. But it makes more sense if we channel that and give her a toy, game or activity to focus on and sometimes even to bridge the gap socially when playing with other kids.


I talked about Tucker Toys here several months ago when I was giving away a ZB Freestyle Board. What I like about Tucker Toys is that they make a wide range of cool toys that have won many awards and in fact are often perfect also for kids with special needs. Their Phlat ball is ideal for kids with many different diagnoses and challenges, but has won accolades especially from the Autism community. When you have a child with any sort of motor coordination challenges, having a Phlat ball around makes it easier for that child to grip onto the toy and succeed.

Tucker Toys also makes toys that encourage kids to be active challenging themselves physically. That’s important to us.

Anyways back to the Crush-It. How could a bat be that different than any other bat on the market? Well Crush-It is a bat that also operates on the premise of tension. Crush-It is a fun variation on a baseball bat. We had it here when winter started actually. It was a season without much snow and so, as you can see here in the photo above my daughter was able to give this toy some testing.

If you read this blog often then you will already be aware that my girls are athletic and we are a family that loves to do sports together. My youngest is the sportiest of all of us. She never met a sport she didn’t like. In the winter it’s skiing and skating. In the spring it is often running, cycling, basketball, skateboarding, and baseball. All year round it’s swimming and martial arts for her. In fact if we could find a school where someone taught kids math and language and geography on a ski hill well that would be the perfect school for Ainsley.

A Different Bat

Crush-It is an adjustable bat with high powered springs. You can increase or decrease the tension on the bat for a powerful connection with the soft baseball that comes with Crush-It.

And a Twist on the Pogo

The Zoingo Boingo is a pogo stick crossed with a bungee cord to give you a bouncier, fun variation on the traditional pogo stick. Balance is challenging on the Zoingo Boingo and if your child has any upper muscle issues this will help them to build a bit of strength.

A Chance to Win:

Tucker Toys makes some cool sporty toys for athletic kids. They started with the Phlat Ball and they’ve also won awards for their innovative children’s toys. Pay attention to the details below and you could win one of your own.

I received products and other perks in order to share this with my readers. My opinion is my own. This giveaway is open to Canada and The US. You could win one of each of these. This post contains affiliate links as a service to readers.



Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.