
13 Perfect Travel Gifts for Friends and Family

It may come as no big surprise to my regular readers when I say I love to travel. It’s my favourite state of being. Discovering a new city or new country is a gigantic and beautiful adventure. Many of my friends also have wanderlust. So travel gifts that resonate with those who love to wander are perfect.


Some of my Favourite Travel Gifts are gathered here for you this year. Happy travels and Good Luck choosing one of these travel gifts. I believe they are all lovely and would be welcome.

“Travel Fund” Piggy Bank: “Travel Fund” wooden piggy bank is the ideal gift for you and your loved ones to start saving for your upcoming trip.

    • Travelrest – Ultimate Travel Pillow / Neck Pillow: This travel pillow is great for so many reasons and modes of transportation. Try it on airplanes, buses, trains and in cars. Equally useful when camping, backpacking,using a wheelchair or just chilling and waiting at airport terminals.


Travel Gifts for Those with Wanderlust

Who is on your list for travel gifts this year? And where are you off to next?

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Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.