7 Father’s Day Gifts That Don’t Cost a Penny
Dads are such special people in our lives, so when Father’s Day rolls around we no doubt want to give them the best day ever. If your budget is tight, you might be concerned that a fantastic Father’s Day isn’t possible, but the good news is that even on the smallest of budgets, you can make Dad’s dreams come true!
Look below at 7 Father’s Day gifts that don’t cost a penny, and see how simple it can be to give Dad the ultimate Father’s Day he deserves.
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7 Father’s Day Gifts That Don’t Cost a Penny
1. Give him the gift of laughter.
Dads love to laugh and truly enjoy watching their kids do funny things. Put on a small stand up act for Dad that includes jokes, skits, and music if you wish. Even a small 15 minute show made just for Dad will have him in tears. Laughs shared together don’t cost a penny and they create lasting memories.
2. Give him the gift of genuine time.
How often do you spend quality time with Dad? Take some time on Father’s Day to sit and talk with Dad. Eliminate any distractions such as electronics, and just use this time to bond with him and listen to him. Genuine time together without distractions is so important and valuable. You will never regret that.
3. Give him the gift of relaxation.
Does Dad love a good nap? After your Father’s Day meal, give Dad an hour to himself. Let him take a quick snooze, or just enjoy a little quiet time to himself. Remember this time is all about Dad, so let him choose how he wishes to spend it.
4. The gift of appreciation.
Show Dad how much you appreciate him by telling him! You can either put your feelings into words and tell him, or write them in a letter. Either way, just hearing how much he is loved and appreciated will make him feel quite special.
5. Give him the gift of love.
How does Dad show his love? Through cards? Lunch box notes? Silly jokes? Think about all the ways Dad shows his love and return it. Leave him a lunch note, give him a high five, or do one of the many other things he is known for.
6. Give him the gift of music.
If Dad loves music, let him pick the radio music that day. Or, you can find a free local concert to enjoy with him. Get out old Cd’s or records and let Dad share his favorite music choices. Remember, today is all about him!
7. Give him the gift of peace.
Today is not the day to argue with siblings or have disagreements. Be conscious about making the day a peaceful one that is full of laughter. Don’t sweat the small stuff, and let today be just about Dad. Gifts like this don’t cost a penny.
Gifts that Don’t Cost a Penny Sometimes are the Most Memorable
See how many great ways there are to celebrate Dad for less? It really doesn’t matter what your budget is, as some of the best ways to show Dad your love are free. Consider these 7 Father’s Day gifts that don’t cost a penny and see how easy they can be. Dad is sure to feel loved and appreciated.