Adorable Printable Christmas Jokes for Kid’s Lunches
If you are at all like me you sort of dread the entire lunch ritual. Packing lunches is tedious and there are only so many ways you can make a sandwich or wrap exciting. Fortunately, the kids in this family make their own lunches, but even still it can get boring. Sometimes something as simple as a treat, or a note can jazz things up a bit. That’s why I thought you might enjoy these cute Christmas jokes.
Q. What’s a snowman’s favourite lunch?
A. A snowberger.
These adorable Christmas lunch jokes are just for you.
Right click the above image and print it out on your printer. Then add them to your kid’s lunches.
Don’t forget to print these cute Christmas bookmarks out too.
I also have some sweet kid’s karate jokes for you folks who have children in karate.
Merry Christmas!