
Stem toys, Steam toys, smart appliances and technology that makes your home work more efficiently. The pace of technology is rapid-fire and ever changing. Here's why it pays to stay on top of what's hot and what's not. This section of Thrifty Mommas Tips is basically the intersection of where technology lives and exists to make your life better. Technology exists everywhere we look right now and it is evolving every second. Apps are always with us and ready to be engaged or downloaded, but which ones are worth the time and real estate on your phone? For that matter, which phone is the one you want to partner with for the next two years? From the computer and camera in your pocket every day to the doorbell, the smart TV and dishwasher that texts you messages when something is wrong, electronics and gadgets can be brilliant tools that enhance our lives. Your home right now has never been more tapped in, or smarter reading your activity and comfort to achieve a better lifestyle for your family. But these same consumer electronics and apps can also be intrusive or frustrating and expensive if they are not what you expect. How is a person to know what to spend time on? I vet things thoroughly here, from cameras to small appliances, smart thermostats,  steam dishwashers, and fun toys so that you can buy with confidence. These are my favourite things that exist right now in the technology space.