
ChromaGen Life-Changing Lenses for Reading Disabilities #specialneeds #health


Imagine trying to read when words move from left to right, up and down. Imagine trying to sit in class and pay attention to your textbook when words are blurry, out of focus, floating up or down. Maybe your child sees double words, double sentences and every line has to be read and re-read to make sense. These are just a few of the reading difficulties that will plague students returning to school this month. Up to 30 % of the student population faces reading difficulties like these described above. Symptoms of reading disabilities can be physical causing headaches, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration and even avoidance of reading all together. 

Now there is hope with the new, patented and FDA cleared ChromaGen lenses. These lenses are a life-changing aid for people with dyslexia and other reading disorders including  binocular vision and light sensitivity issues.

The ChromaGen lenses were developed by Dr. David Harris, who has concluded after years of studying dyslexia,that the majority of people who have dyslexia see words that appear to be moving on the page in some way.

“Approximately 90 percent of these people who see words moving will benefit from ChromaGen lenses,” said Harris, who has a PhD in Neurological Implications and Assistance for Reading Disability from Marylebone University in London. “Individuals that use ChromaGen lenses will experience instantaneous symptom relief. The patient will see an immediate improvement in reading speed, comprehension and even an improvement in handwriting.”

ChromaGen lenses have also have been shown to be effective in treating binocular vision issues and light sensitivity issues. Binocular vision issues can be described as “how the eyes work together” (or more importantly what happens when they don’t work together) and can have a negative impact on a student’s ability to read effectively.

Light sensitivity issues refer to the eye discomfort, that occurs when viewing repetitive striped patterns such as the printed page. Light sensitivity manifests as eyestrain, headaches, or the illusion of colors, shapes and motion on the printed page or computer monitor.

ChromaGen technology is an optical treatment option that employs sixteen different filtered lenses. The lenses modify light’s wavelength as it passes into each eye, which dynamically balances the speed of the information traveling along the neurological pathways to the brain. The result is that people are now seeing words and text that are clear and in focus and enjoy reading free of headaches, nausea and fatigue.

Dr. Edward Huggett, D.O. and Chief Optometric Advisor for ChromaGen Vision, LLC says, “I am prescribing the ChromaGen technology because it provides relief for those patients who have experienced ‘word movement’ while reading for so long that they have lost hope. Now these chronic sufferers have options.”

Huggett, who specializes in the treatment of low vision and binocular vision,
is the founder and director of the Low Vision Clinic at St. Luke’s Cataract & Laser Institute in Tarpon Springs, Florida and the Children’s Specialty Vision Clinic in Dunedin, Florida.

ChromaGen lenses are available through a nationwide network of specially trained optometrists or ophthalmologists. Each eye is tested separately to find the best combination of lenses for the patient. The results are instantaneous and the patients will know immediately before leaving the doctor’s office if ChromaGen is an effective solution for them. ChromaGen lenses come with a 100 percent money back guarantee.

Available as eyeglasses, contact lenses and clip-ons, ChromaGen has been cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are patented. To learn more about ChromaGen or find a Doctor in your area, visit  A recent clip on CTV mentioned ChromaGen lenses and its impact on one young girl with dyslexia. 


This is a sponsored post for ChromaGen and as such I have been compensated. I was personally fascinated to read that these lenses might make issues like light sensitivity better for my own daughter. My opinion is my own and I felt many of my readers could benefit from this information. 

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.