Deep Relief Recovery Pack #giveaway ARV $75
Let’s be honest. I’m not getting any younger. Nor is my darling husband. We strive to work out often. We try to be fit. But life happens and you get busy. You put things on hold. You work harder because it’s a busy season or there are a lot of contracts happening and so the gym falls by the wayside. Then one day you decide to head back there and you hit the treadmill hard and you do that very same workout you were doing just last month and suddenly the next day you feel like you need traction. You overworked it, or you took too long between workouts. Whatever the cause, you need help.
Right, that’s when it’s time for Deep Relief products. Last year I started using these and really liked the fact that they smelled less medicinal than some other brands on the market. Plus they worked. Now this year I learned that Deep Relief has a new product out.
Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray reduces inflammation, and provides a penetrating cooling formula that works on contact for targeted pain relief of sore muscles. I tried it recently on my shoulder and lower back. I get a lot of stiffness there by nature of the computer work that I do. Deep Relief Ice Cold Spray works fast to alleviate sore muscles. I like that. This product works and it doesn’t leave a harsh scent that lingers. Now if only we could make the time to get back to the regularly scheduled workouts. I have a gift Deep Relief Recovery pack giveaway open to one lucky Canadian reader. Best of luck!

My biggest issue is feeling extremely tight & stiff
A lot of back aches and neck aches.
Margarita Ibbott
Uhm… I have muscles? Yes, I need to start working out. I am entering for my sporty spice daughter that does have a lot of muscles.
Claudia N
My biggest muscle issue is my back age, Thank you!
Sarah Jackson
for sure my back , its always stiff and sore
A lot of lower back pains
my legs ache after a long hike
Stiff and sore back muscles
sarah jackson
Lower back pain ..
Angela Mitchell
I have chronic neck and back knots and pain.
Jennifer P.
My biggest muscle issue is the tension in my neck – it gets especially sore on the days I work at my computer, and when I carry my heavy toddler around.
heidi c.
My muscle issue is pain from fibromyalgia.
Knee pain from walking too much
Viv sluys
I get super tense muscles in my shoulders and neck and also sour lower back muscles.