Holiday Travel: Keep Health On Track While On the Go
The following post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.
Holiday travel is a great adventure. What’s not to love about getting away from home for a bit? Many years we go away right before Christmas or right after the holidays. Nothing I enjoy more than spending a chunk of Christmas break somewhere warm. Together, as a family, we often take a holiday cruise. But, every time I travel I make sure to do so fully armed with products to keep health on track no matter where we are.
It’s a challenge to keep health on track with airports and hotels and long days of travel involved. When we are out of our normal routine, there are a few products I have handy to keep health on track, especially during the holiday season.
Have your cake and eat it too
Find yourself reaching for shortbread instead of salad? Don’t forget to pack the One-A-Day®. One-A-Day®.helps your body metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates. No need to deprive yourself of tasty treats on vacation. Just don’t make them your main course. Sample the desserts, but save room for the good stuff, like whole grains and greens.
Swimsuit Issues
You may be surprised to learn that yeast infections on vacations are a common problem for women, especially if you’re hanging out in a wet bathing suit. If the beach is in your travel plans, keep CanesOral® Combi-Pak on hand for easy and convenient relief if needed. You’ll be glad you remembered to pack it! CanesOral® is an effective, clinically proven, single-dose oral treatment that can be taken anytime, anywhere.
Cookies, chocolate, candy, oh my!
Halfway through your holiday when heartburn and indigestion hits? No need to skip the mocha latte. Use Alka-Seltzer® RELIEF CHEWS to neutralize excess stomach acid, so your tummy can rest easy. Available in three flavours with no chalky taste. Keep health on track with these handy chews.
Pay attention because this one is NOT Negotiable!! Two of my allergy sufferers here discovered AERIUS® this year and it works beautifully for them.
Rain or shine, enjoy the outdoors
Don’t let pesky allergies rain on your parade! Pack a trustworthy allergy medication if you’re heading to a sunny destination to escape winter’s wrath. Did you know that AERIUS® delivers multi-symptom allergy relief for 24 hours, so you can do the things you like, without allergy symptoms interfering.
Spending the holidays at Grandma’s house? Indoor allergies like dust and pet dander are no match for AERIUS® Dual Action 12 Hour. It effectively relieves many allergy symptoms; including nasal congestion or stuffiness; sneezing and runny nose as well as itchy, burning, watery, red eyes.
Keep Health on Track and Have a Happy Healthy Holiday!
At home or away, make sure you’re prepared to keep health on track with your tool kit of essentials. Enjoy the holidays!
What are your must-have travel essentials to keep you and your family healthy?
This post is sponsored by Bayer. To make sure these products are right for you, always read and follow the label.

Alli Smith
I often find myself reaching for the shortbread instead of the salad during the holidays. I need to add the One-A-Day vitamins to my morning routine. I like that they come in gummies!
Amber Myers
I usually do take One-A-Days! I also picked up some for my teenager. I like how they have a teen bottle.
My husband gets heartburn often, so I’ll have to pick up Alka-Seltzer.
Tomi C
I pack a travel size first aid kit when we travel. It has meds for common ailments, coughs, colds, allergies, headaches, heartburn and more. I always make sure to keep plain baby aspirin in the kit. So many uses.
Drinking water is the big and most important one. You can actually find healthy fruit and salad at the airport if you look. There are restaurants that serve something for everyone.
Sarah Bailey
It is such a great idea to pack things like this – I had never thought about it but I always feel a bit not so great when away with the change in everything so having some back up when it comes to vitamins is a great idea.
Lisa Favre
When I’m on vacation, I always leave my diet behind. That’s not necessarily a good thing. Health should be a #1 priority wherever you go!
Monica Parlee
I love that CanesOral is an effective, single-dose oral treatment that can be taken anywhere. The absolute last thing you want while on vacation, is a yeast infection! Definitely packing this for my next trip.
Jenn @ EngineerMommy
I am looking for a good multivitamin so I’ll check out the One A Day. When we go away, we bring a little toiletry bag full of any meds we think we (or the kids) might need. It has been a lifesaver many times.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All
I always had heartburn relief tablets on hand when I was pregnant. If I’m traveling I always have a small container of otc painkiller, just in case of headache, etc.
Kita Bryant
I am very susceptible to health problems when traveling. These are some super helpful tips.
Ruth I.
Being well prepared for travel is not only for our things but our health too. It is important to pack the medicine needed. It’s so good to know about these products!
Ali Rost
How wonderful that there is a supplement for most everything that ails us while we’re traveling. For me, I make sure I’m eating as well as I can, drinking plenty of water, sleeping enough, and getting some walking in every day. Nothing over the top, just being diligent about the basics. x
Bonnie G
These sound like great products for while on the go. Looks like they are pretty easy enough to toss in a purse or luggage bag.
Nikka SHae
I gave myself a goal to drink more water this year and halfway through it I did it. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day! Yeah to me.
That is a great goal! I need to remember that one!
Elinor aka beach hut cook
I always get heartburn whilst on holiday. I think it’s because I eat just about everything I see that I’ve never tried before!! Such a good idea to pack those items to help you to enjoy your holiday.
These products are important to have at home for when the need arises. My son has allergy to dust and pollen. However, sometimes the sudden change in temperature can trigger an attack too. Aerius is one of his rescue meds. Let me check our emergency medical kit and see if I need to stock up on Bayer products.
Farrah less g.
Its always a good idea to keep a first kit aid on your car esp. when you travel a lot. You don’t know what’s out there its always good to be prepare. One a day is a trusted brand for our family.
Yes it is. Thanks so much for commenting. One a Day is one of my favourites here too.
These really are travel must haves! Nobody wants to get ill when traveling. Best to be proactive and keep health on track when possible
Exactly. Being sick while on vacation stinks. Better to take an ounce of prevention so to speak.
Anosa Malanga
I guess I will be needing most is the Canes Oral since I love to go on beaches. For the rest, I think I might be needing them once in a while.
I’ve learned the hard way that I may not find the supplies I’m used to when I go travelling. I usually pack Alka-Seltzer (I like the pink ones), some acetaminophen, Immodium, etc. for basics when we’re away.