Learning Your Baby Has a Club Foot – Guest Post
This is Part 2 in a series of posts about a Club Foot Diagnosis.
Another Canadian Blogger and Mom, Crystal shares her family’s clubfoot journey.
When we were pregnant with our son Mason, we found out via ultrasound that he could be born with a clubbed foot. When he was 10 days old he began treatments with a series of casts, minor surgery and then shoes on a brace treatment that was to last the first 3-4 years of his life. You can read all about our journey in the series of posts that I have written which starts here.
The final leg of the treatment was the longest, from the age of 6 months to 3 years old he had to wear shoes attached to a bar when he slept. That was supposed to be the end of his clubfoot treatments and he’d be good to go from there on out.
However it wasn’t the case as his foot began to revert, and we found ourselves back to the drawing board with our doctor at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario and our lives turned back upside down again for a short while which brought back so many emotions that I talked about in my more recent clubfoot posts such as this one.
HUGE thanks to Crystal for sharing her son’s story here. I have popped over frequently to see how Mason is doing and she just posted a 2016 update about their story too.
Crystal McLeod is a work-from-home-mom of two children and together with her family, Crystal resides just outside of the nation’s capital in the Ottawa Valley. Never a dull moment doing the most important job there is – raising your family and trying to keep your head on straight….if that is even possible!?
Visit Crystal at her space in the internet, Crystal Clear as Mud http://www.crystalclearmud.com/ or you can find her on one of the many social media outlets that she frequents!
Read more of their story here:
and here too: http://www.crystalclearmud.com/1-year-post-surgery-our-2016-clubfoot-journey-update/