Eight Things You Can Do Close to Home This March Break #Giveaway ARV $80
It’s March and that means one or two things around here. First it means spring is on the way. Second it means spring break. To be 100 % honest with you lovely readers, I have not worked out where I will be, or what we will be doing. Travel blogger life means plans change often and that can very well be last minute. So I am sort of planning that there will be some staycation bits to March break and some travel bits tossed in there too.
My tween and teen are looking forward to time off school. I am adding clients again and so I will be working much of the week which means we might need to make some of our own fun. If you are working and wondering what to do with the kids, I have a few thoughts:
Eight Things You Can Do At Home This March Break
Think of it as being a tourist in your very own city or province. You can stay indoors, cozy and warm, or get outside and enjoy an adventure.
1. Hit the Museum – this area of Ontario where I live has some great museums. Maybe you are in Toronto and you can make it to the ROM or the Aquarium. Either one of those would make a great day and you aren’t really subject to the weather if you are indoors. There’s also the science centre – always a hit with kids.
2. Go Skiing or Tubing: If you live close to a ski hill then you can easily spend a day or two, or maybe even a week there. Many ski hills also have other activities like tubing, snowboarding, and lessons. Plus don’t forget the March Break camps that some offer. That might be a great opportunity to keep the kids busy too.
3. Library: Head to the library this March break. Our local library has dozens of cool things happening. Pick up a book and take it home so you can relax and read. BUT don’t forget there are classes and events at many libraries all week long. Our library has a drawing class and Sparky The Fire Dog, to name just two of the events that are taking place there.
4. Go To The Mall, or the Market: A little retail therapy can be just what the doctor ordered. Buy some new spring outfits, or shop at the local jewelry store for a small pick me up. One thing we will be doing is heading to Covent Garden Market in London, ONTARIO because MapleLea Girls is hosting a Pop Up Shop and a cooking class and – actually, they have an event each day only at Covent Garden Market in London from March 12 to March 19!! Bring your daughter and bring her MapleLea Girls too.
5. Consider an at-home makeover, sleepover, or a full on spa day. Actually in my case I will be hosting a sleepover here for one daughter’s birthday. I’m quite certain the 11 and 12-year-old girls will be content using nail polishes, eye shadows, styling tools and last but not least…BatisteTM Dry Shampoo! It’s perfect to use between washes and easy to use. Applying quick burst revitalizes hair and removes any excess oil, adding body and texture. With the new limited-edition BatisteTM Ella Henderson Sweet & Seductive Dry Shampoo, you’ll feel like a celebrity, with hair that looks, feels – and smells – great! My daughter loves this product and uses it throughout the week when she doesn’t have time to wash her hair.
6. Crafts, puzzles and games galore. Start one of those really huge time consuming puzzles. They are great for focus and for kids who need extra help practicing some fine motor skills too.
7. Bake or Cook. Well my kids don’t need any excuses to get in the kitchen. They love baking cookies, treats, cakes, and other goodies. Occasionally they like to do a meal too. Sometimes when I am swamped here I will ask the kids to get a meal started. My girls are 11 and 14 and they can whip something up that’s pretty tasty when I ask them to take responsibility for dinner like that. Occasionally they even surprise me.
If your week involves road trips anywhere, you might want to keep some of this handy – If you have family members who are motion sensitive, GravolTM Quick Dissolve Chewables (available for kids and adults) are an effective and convenient option to treat nausea, vomiting and dizziness, so you can get there more comfortably and with less worry. (Don’t take GravolTM chewables and drive, as GravolTM Quick Dissolve Chewables may cause cause drowsiness).
8. Get outside. Take walks, go skating, take a winter hike. Grab your camera and shoot some pictures of the snow melting, and the changing seasons.
And regardless of where your March break week takes you, you can help your family stay healthy by taking VitafusionTM Men’s or Women’s Complete Multivitamin and Lil’CrittersTMGummy VitesTM for kids.
On behalf of your family’s most trusted brands, here’s a staycation giveaway for you to enjoy. This Giveaway includes:
· Vitafusion™ Women’s Complete Multivitamin
· Vitafusion™ Men’s Complete Multivitamin
· L’il Critters™ Gummy Vites™
· Ella Henderson for Batiste™ Dry Shampoo
· OxiClean™ Versatile Stain Remover (not pictured)
· Arm & Hammer™ Truly Radiant Clean & Fresh Paste (not pictured)
· Arm & Hammer™ Spinbrush™ Truly Radiant™ Clean & Fresh Battery Brush (not pictured)
· Arm & Hammer™ Spinbrush™ Paw Patrol Battery Brush (not pictured)
· Arm & Hammer™ Spinbrush™ Disney Descendants Battery Brush (not pictured)
· Nair™ Wax Ready-Strips Legs & Body (not pictured)
Value: Approximately $80
What are your favourite staycation ideas?
I am a Church and Dwight Ambassador, and as such receive certain perks and compensation.

Amy Heffernan
We are doing nothing this spring break!
Judy Cowan
No plans this year, no extra money in the budget this year.
We have no plans, but we will be staying home and might visit some places in our town
No plans this year-Enjoying the nice weather in NS
Jenness M
We are going to the family cabin.
paula schuck
Oh how lovely. I would enjoy that for sure!
I have to work so my kids are spending March break with their grandparents. They are looking forward to it!
ivy pluchinsky
i will be mostly looking after my niece since she is out of school and her mom works.
Florence C
A road trip to visit family.
Debbie S.
I plan to spend some time with my grandkids. Still need to check out activities available in our region. I love spending time with my grandkids.
Kim K
We are going to do some local touristy things for the March Break and some baking at home.
Bailey Dexter
I will at my daughter’s home spending time with the grand kids! New baby soon to arrive!
Gillian Morgan
I plan on spending some time outdoors and relaxing.
i have no plans for March Break – i have to work – so my daughter is on her own to find things to do!
Allie f
I look forward to writing more, continuing my yoga practice, and catching up with good friends.
I plan to relax & read.
Lindsay T
We’re excited to go to Disney on ice!!
Lisa McLain
were doing day trips
Christine D
We hopefully will be going to Niagara Falls for a few days
Our break is still almost a month away so we don’t have our plans made yet. I would like to get to the mountains for some hiking in Jasper National Park.
Silvia D
no real plans, maybe a few day trips locally.
I unfortunately have to work, but will be spending my time off spend cooking with my girlfriend.
Elaine G
No plans this year. Just staying home.
No plans this year
Katharine w
Planning on doing some spring cleaning and taking the kidlets to the movies and hanging out with friends too.
Attending the kids sport meets.
Tracy D
We’ll be doing staycation this year. 🙂
I’ll be working this March Break as its my busy season!
Cassie Fancy
I have a bunch of Easter and spring crafts planned for my little ones and I to make . So excited
Amy C
We plan to do some baking and crafts.
andrea amy
No plans for March break. My kids get different weeks off. My 18 year old will have the week before Easter off school and my youngest 3 get the week after Easter off school. So we’ll just hang out at home, and hopefully the weather will be nice!
Lorrie Coleman
I plan to just get outside & take walks
Juliee Fitze
I just got back from Florida to spend the break with my grandchildren.
Jana Liu
we are hoping to go hiking on the trails and geocache
Tammy Dalley
relaxing at the cottage
We’re planning a family get-away to Niagara Falls!!
ivy pluchinsky
we are going to see a movie!
Judy Cowan
No big plans for March Break here this year.
We plan to do some baking and crafts.
We aren’t really in the school age yet, so spring break is just another week for us. But, we do try and do at least one special activity each day.
Silvia D
no major plans or vacation this year.. will just do things around our area.
Victoria Ess
We will be spending it at home.
aarone mawdsley
watch movies
Wendy hutton
no kids no plans
Amy Lovell
I have to work thru march break but my daughter will be going to grandmas house for the week!!
Angela Mitchell
We are staying close to home this year. We plan on having some game and movie nights and if the weather is nice we want to go for some hikes.
Debbie S.
We are thinking of having some time to spend with the grandkids. Maybe a weiner roast, it’s been so nice.
Judy Cowan
No plans really, I am hoping to get some time to get some spring cleaning done.
We pan on doing some extra stuff with the kids. Playing outside and maybe even take in a movie 🙂
Jana Liu
an overnight trip to up north
Victoria Ess
We will just spend time together at home.
Rhonda W G.
Hope to take my godson swimming at a local pool!
Rhonda W G.
Judy Cowan
I am hoping to get some spring cleaning done, and maybe some baking/crafts!
Jana Liu
movie marathon
Staycation 🙂 Some crafts, going to our local museum. And I REALLY hope the weather will stay like it was the last couple of days +15 and sunny, so we can go outside more often.
Wandalee Newell
Well by the looks of it I will probably be in the hospital…but I have been trying to get tickets to different things and winning stuff so the kids can keep busy with their daddy…I rather them be out having fun.
What? Oh No!! Hope you are okay!
Debbie S.
I am thinking it will be spring time walks, some lego building and movie time!
Victoria Ess
We plan to relax and shop together.
Jana Liu
indoor camping
Robyn Bellefleur
Since the weather is so nice will be be going on a few hikes during March break.
Judy Cowan
Baking, need to make a cheesecake 🙂
Lee-Ann S
Miss R and I are planning a girls day out. That will include lunch and shopping. Otherwise just hanging out.
Holly OGorman
Just sticking to local activities.
heidi c.
We just have some plans for in and around home.
Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard
we have decided to go bowling
Debbie S.
We will probably be staying close to home this year.
Staycation. Some crafts, going to our local museum. And I REALLY hope the weather will stay like it was the last couple of days +15 and sunny, so we can go outside more often.
Judy Cowan
Spring cleaning, no exciting plans.
Victoria Ess
I’ll be working this March Break!
Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo
I will be packing for our 5,000km, 4-day, 3-country roadtrip from Mexico to Canada. Don’t you feel sorry for me 😉
Have fun!
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Valerie Mallette
I plan to go to a museum and to see a movie.
Debbie S.
Spending time with my grandchildren will be what we will be doing. A weiner roast and walks to the playground, should be fun!
Staycation. Some crafts, going to our local museum. And I REALLY hope the weather will stay like it was the last few days +15 and sunny, so we can go outside more often.
Victoria Ess
We plan to spend time together at home.
ivy pluchinsky
We plan on going for ice cream
Judy Cowan
We went out to our trailer today and starting getting it ready to open!
heidi c.
Just staying home doing some fun activities like skating and going to the pool.
Amber Y
i’ll be working through march break so we don’t have any plans.
Staycation. Some crafts, going to our local museum.
Debbie S.
I think yard clean up will be happening along with wiener roasts and lots of walks.
melanie borhi
drinking lots of coffee and lots of relaxation time with my boyfriend.
Victoria Ess
We are catching up on renovations!
heidi c.
We just stayed locally having fun during the time off.
Victoria Ess
We will stay home and renovate.
Planning to go to the library tomorrow.
Judy Cowan
We did a bit of shopping today but nothing too exciting.
Judy Cowan
We live in a highrise and had water leaking from the unit above last night, so dealing with that today – not fun!
My son got sick today, so I think we have crafts, reading (in each of the 3 languages my kids are learning, so it takes a while :)) and a TV for the rest of the week…
Victoria Ess
We will go skating!
sabina edwards
MARCH break is good friday and easter monday and we are going to the inlaws for turkey . We get a 7-10 break in Feb , Winter break but thats it
I will be working during March Break.
Today is LEGO day 🙂
Judy Cowan
Today we are baking 🙂
Belinda McNabb
we are sticking close to home. Plan on watching a few movies, do some baking together and play video games
Debbie S.
My grandson will be coming for a sleepover. Weather permitting we will have a weiner roast and go to the park. I’m excited!
Lego day, again 🙂
Victoria Ess
We are working on renos!
sabina edwards
a hot bath adn a good book!
Judy Cowan
Movie’s today!
Heidi C.
We stayed close to home and just visited some local attractions.
Jana Liu
play board games
ivy pluchinsky
We are watching movies and eating popcorn
Jennifer Ann Wilson
A few good books and some movies!
Judy Cowan
Not doing much today, just everyone doing what they would like. R&R kind of day.
Our Mall had some free activities for the kids today. It was awesome!
Laurie Bolduc-Cadieux
We plan on getting outside and enjoying the warmer weather, and I plan to start my spring cleaning/purging.
Victoria Ess
We renovated!
Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard
we are hanging out and watching movies and doing crafts
heather sibley
We plan to go to visit the National Gallery.
Silvia D
a few day trip locally, a couple sleepovers and birthday parties to attend.
marie s
we are working but planning on a trip in may
barb g.
I plan on staying home and doing just as little as possible. Relaxing all the time sounds like a good plan.
Victoria Ess
I plan to renovate!
Lego and crafts today!
l p
we made a list and every evening one of us will have a chance to choose for the next day. it’s been fun so far! thanks
sabina edwards
oh if my new kitchenaide mixer comes I’ll make something for EAster supper at the inlaws
Karla Sceviour
I am going on my sons hockey tournament for 4 days l,leaving on Easter day 🙂
Rosanne Robinson
Our 6 year old grandson came to stay with us for March Break, so we had a busy and fun week. The weather was crappy every day, so we took him to the activities at our local Chapters/Indigo store, hit golf balls and mini putt at the dome, playground, and the Maple Syrup Festival at Bronte Creek.
Tina L.
Visiting some local attractions
Judy Cowan
Today is pretty boring – laundry & cleaning.
Relaxing with kids and enjoying the nice weather outdoors.
I am working but my kids went to grandma’s house for a week.
Victoria Ess
We did some renovations.
sabina edwards
MAYBE GET TO SLEEP IN LATE? or maybe there is some sort of spring show going on in the city that weekend.. prob nothing though as its only one day off work for me and two days for the kids
Judy Cowan
March break is almost over 🙁 Getting back into a regular routine now.
ivy pluchinsky
spending time with my niece
Debbie S.
We will be doing yard clean-up which is something we really enjoy! Lotsa walks and some much enjoyed time with our grandkids!
Jen L
I will be visiting my Grandmother for Easter – she is 95 years young!
Nicole Jubleew
We’re planning to visit some local museums.
Silvia D
one more week of break, will be baking and crafting for easter weekend
Valerie Mallette
We went to a local museum and to see a movie.