family,  Health

Natural Itch Relief for Bug Bites and Stings

Natural itch relief is something that’s always in high demand this time of year. Summer is prime season for flying beasts that bite and sting. They’re out there, waiting to feast on your blood or give you a painful sting if you accidentally make them feel threatened. You can try to avoid this uncomfortable part of summer, but chances are, you’re going to get tagged. So with that in mind, here are some natural itch relief methods that really work.


Natural Itch Relief – 6 Ways to Ease the Itching and Burning

Recently I returned from a travel writer trip, followed by a weekend at camp and my legs were covered in itchy bug bites. SO I had to figure out something that helped with that itchiness. There are several home remedies that can help thankfully.

Rather than reaching for a tube of cream or some other medication, why not use the environment to help relieve itchy, painful bug bites and stings? It’s a better, cheaper option than medications, and it fits perfectly with the green lifestyle.


Cold is an excellent natural itch relief approach. Ice cube wrapped in a cloth provide much more itch relief than you’d think. The extreme cold works in two ways. Firstly, it numbs the area, helping to dull the itch. Secondly, the cold causes the blood vessels to constrict, which reduces swelling and thus reduces discomfort.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a classic go-to for natural itch relief. While we mostly associate aloe vera with sunburns, it also works wonders on mosquito bites, as well as stings. The chemicals that sooth burn irritation also help relieve the itching and burning of bites and stings.

Tea Bags

Having a stressful day? Did a bit or sting contribute to that stress? Well, whip up a little tea and use the used tea bags as a compress. The tannin found in tea is an astringent which helps to draw out toxins in the bite/sting area.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has been called the miracle compound. People use this stuff for all kinds of problems. I’ve even heard of it being used clinically in cleaning the inside of eyelids. In addition to all the many things it does, tea tree oil also provides natural itch relief. Be careful, as some people can be sensitive to essential oils applied to the skin at full strength.


Whether applied as a poultice using fresh peppermint or dabbing a dilution of peppermint essential oil, this plant is excellent for natural itch relief. The peppermint creates a cooling sensation which can help the itching and burning of bites and stings.

Apple Cider Vinegar

You can use apple cider to help ease the itching and burning of bites and stings in the same way you use it to alleviate the sting and burn of sunburns. Simply rub a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water on the affected area to help soothe the itch and pain of your most recent bug attack. Apple cider vinegar is recommended over regular vinegar because it is less harsh.

Natural Itch Relief is So Simple

I’ll bet when you read “natural itch relief” in this post title, you thought there would be a lot of steps involved didn’t you? I get it. Some natural remedies do take some time. Going natural is usually more time consuming than just buying a product at a store. However, these natural itch relief methods are all quick and easy, and that’s really what you want when you’re in the midst of bug bite/sting torment.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.


  • Savannah

    So much yes to the ACV!!! I have eczema outbreaks every once in awhile, and acv is my go-to, it is so helpful! I’ve actually read in several places now about peppermint for itch relief, so I think it’s about time I invest in some oils. Thanks so much for sharing <3

  • Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle

    I have a totally crazy bug bite remedy that only southern people have probably ever heard of. This works, but it’s gross. Tobacco juice. When I was girl, if I got stung by a bee, my grandfather would rub tobacco on it. It worked.

  • Sarah

    I had no idea there were so many solutions for at-home remedies when it comes to bug bite and sting relief. I truly appreciate these ideas!

  • Amanda Simkin

    I got attacked by a ton of mosquitos while on vacation a few weeks ago and I am STILL itching. I will most definitely be trying out your tips…especially the tea bags since I love my tea!

  • Nicole Etolen

    My son has some mosquito bites and I am kinda worried about them. I will try aloe vera, we have some at the garden.

  • Michelle Cantu

    My youngest has severe allergic reactions to bites, especially mosquitos. I need to try these tips to help him not scratch and feel so much pain.

  • Gabriel

    My parents always had Aloe plants growing when I was a kid and it was great. I’m lucky to not react to a lot of the common irritants, but aloe was great on those that did get me.

  • Kathy

    I love to use aloe vera. I use to have a plant too. It always works great with so many types of bites or stings.

  • Rosemond

    We just got back from a trip to the Pacific Northwest and encountered more bugs that we have here in So California. I’m going to try some of these tricks, especially the ACV on my daughter’s mosquito bites that just keep on itching!

  • Sara

    When I was a kid I always used calamine lotion but as a mom I like to use ore natural remedies like these.

  • Francisca Ramos

    There are so many different natural remedies for the itch. I get eczema and it’s hard to stop scratching. This will help me. Thanks for the tip.

  • Chubskulit Rose

    We just fiubnd out about the aloe vera lately. I have an alo vera plant here and one day my husband had a nasty bug bites that he kept itching. My daughter cut a tip of the aloe and put it in my husband’s arm and he said the itching stopped!

  • Lynndee

    Perfect! I’ve been bombarded with bug bites over here, and funny thing, I’m the only who gets bitten. They don’t bother the hubs and the little one at all. I think I’m that sweet. 🙂 Thanks for this!

  • Lori Felix

    Sometimes I swear that I am a magnet for mosquitoes. I always have aloe in the house to treat sunburns so next time I get a bite I’ll try it on the itching.

  • Sara

    I knew about tea tree oil, but the rest of these are new to me. I am loving the apple cider vinegar suggestion!!