Replace Your Vacuum – When to Upgrade
Replace your vacuum when it’s worn out. That seems simple, right? However, the big question is when is a vacuum worn out? Should even wait until it’s worn out or should you upgrade after a few years? How long do vacuum cleaners even last? A slew of questions surrounds the idea of replacing your vacuum. That’s why you’re here. You need to know when to replace your vacuum. So let’s talk about that.
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Vacuum Cleaner Lifespan
Vacuum cleaners last for around eight years, on average. However, your mileage may vary. More than brand or model, it’s your usage that ultimately determines how long your vacuum cleaner will last. If you live in a small apartment, you’ll get far more life out of your vacuum than you would if you lived in a large house. It’s all about use.
Should You Replace Your Vacuum
If your vacuum isn’t doing the job it used to, don’t immediately kick it to the curb. It may be a simple matter of a clogged hose or old beater brushes that are making old faithful not so faithful anymore. Before springing for that five hundred dollar beauty you saw the last time you were at the department store, do a little troubleshooting to ensure that your vacuum isn’t just in need of a little TLC.
Check the Hoses
Sometimes, the problem may be nothing more than a clogged hose. Over the course of years, dust and fine particles can collect in hoses, causing a clog over time. Always check your hoses for clogs if you have suction issues.
Check the Filter
Many people don’t realize vacuum cleaners come with filters. A clogged filter restricts airflow and, thus, suction. While we’re on the subject, you should check your vacuum’s air filter once a month or every two weeks for heavy use.
Check the Drive Belt
Over time, your drive belt can stretch, come off the track, or dry rot. In any of these cases, your vacuum cleaner won’t perform because the beaters aren’t doing their job.
Have it Repaired
A relatively new vacuum – only a year or two old – shouldn’t have any problems at all. If you have a fairly new vacuum cleaner with issues, take full advantage of your warranty. If your warranty has expired, it’s still worth the money to take your machine to a local repair shop to figure out what’s wrong with it and possibly repair it.
Replace Your Vacuum
If you’ve done all your troubleshooting, and your vacuum is still struggling, it may be time to replace it. This is especially true if it’s past its prime. With so many advances in vacuums and their ability to clean more and better, it can actually be a good thing for your home and your health to upgrade. That’s the silver lining to having to buy a new machine.

Today’s machines pick up more dirt and debris, have better filter systems, and generally get more gunk out of your home than vacuums that were on the market as little as two or three years ago.
Vacuuming Doesn’t Need to Be a Pain
So if you’re rocking a vacuum that was all the rage back when NSYNC was still a thing, it’s probably for the best that it broke down. Embrace the process and go out looking for a shiny new vacuum cleaner that will leave your home as dust free as possible. A good new vacuum can change your cleaning process and make your life simpler.