14 Life Skills For Teens To Learn During Quarantine
Let’s talk Quaranteens…you know teens in quarantine.
My oldest daughter has been doing a lot of baking and finding ways to keep busy during the quarantine. So, this post is one we worked on together. Staving off boredom has been a daily goal here in my home. Some days that’s baking and other days that’s building life skills for teens.

While we are trying to work on online schooling, and often also failing dramatically, there are a lot of other life skills for teens that we’ve been working on to fill the time and keep moving forward.
Self esteem, mental health and health are actually more important goals here right now than assignments in science. At the end of the day, if we are all healthy and surviving this together, then that’s all that matters right now in my home.
So, with that in mind, we are also encouraging the kids to explore new life skills for teens in hopes they retain them and can use them later.
Table of Contents
Life Skills for Teens
These life skills apply to any period of time to be honest. I mean kids need to figure out some of these things to work towards becoming independent. A few of the other ones here are optional. In my opinion, Animal Crossing might not be a whole new skill….but then again I am not a teenager.
Things I Learned During Quarantine
By Payton Schuck
How to Change Car Tires
Even though I don’t drive yet, I will be driving soon and obviously vehicle maintenance matters. So, one day my dad called me into the garage interrupting me from drawing in my room and he showed me how to change car tires. I mean we had to switch the snow tires anyways, so why not use the teenage helpers in the house? LOL.
My Mom showed up halfway through the session and I mouthed: WHY? But, ultimately, she left me there to learn and then was astonished and amazed because she doesn’t know how to do this herself. Anyways, if you have a parent that can teach you this, maybe worth asking them to show you how.
The Difference Between Drum Brakes and Disc Brakes.
Also, learned this while changing the tires. Did you even know that there are different types? Well, neither did I actually. Now, I do so this falls under life skills for teens.
How to Unclog a Toilet
GROSS. But also necessary.
Alright, so my dad is an essential worker and he never stopped going to work during the pandemic. His workplace remained open and they implemented safety measures there. It’s been stressful for everyone, of course, so we didn’t wish to add to the stress by saying: Hey, can you plunge the toilet? when he got in from work. That’s just rude. So, we have each figured it out and frankly icky but necessary life skills for teens and Moms and Dads everywhere.
Screen-casting From My Phone
So I mostly had an idea of how to make this work, but hadn’t ever done it. For some reason, only my Android phone can screen cast to the big LG TV in our basement. My Dad has done some Zoom classes with his martial arts class and I figured out how to Screen cast which was pretty easy. For some reason he needs to do his online fitness classes on the big screen. My Mom doesn’t actually care if hers are on Youtube, live on the TV or on her iPhone.
How to Use a Bread Maker
LOVE our bread maker so much. It is a great kitchen appliance, especially these days. I am using it for all sorts of new recipes here. It’s our favourite. Learning how to bake and cook is high up on the great life skills for teens list. Also, using a bread maker saves time, so why not?

How to Make Pizza Dough
This is easy to make in the bread machine and the crust tasted delicious on our homemade pizzas.
How to Defrost the Freezer
My Mom tells me the story of her first non frost free freezer in a rental unit fridge that she had when she was a student at University of Waterloo. She had no clue how to defrost it and left it as is, until the landlady complained about it. Since she doesn’t wish for that to ever happen to me, she showed all of us how to defrost the downstairs freezer. Oddly, it’s kind of satisfying removing gigantic ice chunks from the freezer. More important, the freezer closes properly again.
Note from Paula – Yes, we left this one a little longer than we should have. But anyways, defrosting a Freezer is something everyone in my house should be able to do again in future. Good life skills for teens during a quarantine.
How to Wash Your Hands Properly
How many videos have you watched noting proper hand washing protocol? Me too. Nobody in my family thought they were doing this wrong and yet, at the very start of the pandemic we all watched and went WHOA, we missed that part. We all were washing a bit less thoroughly than we should have done. Now, we know.

Browning Meat Properly
Both of my parents were on this bandwagon. Well, it’s useful to know. I actually kind of hate handling raw meat, because it creeps me out a lot, but I am better with this now.
Making Meals That are Not Kraft dinner
I am cooking all kinds of meals and baking a lot of snacks and treats. Bread is my favourite, but I enjoy making unique meals for lunch at times. Pinterest is excellent for that. Of course cooking is a tool for life, and learning a variety of meals is not just about life skills for teens.
Taking Better Care of Your Nails
Mom suggested I add this one because she’s seen a huge difference in her nails and that’s a positive thing to come out of the pandemic. She had them shellacked every month or so prior to the beauty salons and nail places closing. With no nail polish on her nails at all, they have grown stronger and longer and whiter too. I mean eating well and exercising helps that too.

The Cool Outdoor Spots and Trails in North London
You don’t have to look too far to find some treasures in your own neighbourhood. The trails in North London are actually awesome and many of them were ones we didn’t even really know existed. One up around the corner from us has gorgeous tall trees and a small fairy door inside a fallen tree. Leave a gift if you wish. WE enjoy taking a look inside and dropping small gifts inside occasionally.
How to Eco Print
I wanted to give this a shot because I had heard of it a long time ago and I enjoy making artistic things and crafts. So, one afternoon I gathered all of the items and made some neat eco printing cards and crafts.
Read this How to Eco Print post to learn more.

Mastering Animal Crossing: New Horizons
LOL. Well, this is a Nintendo game that I have wanted for awhile. I am loving playing this with friends and connecting while building my home and gathering resources.
Life Skills Help You and Your Family
Listen, I completely understand if you don’t want to do anything much at all right now. But, at the same time, you should probably try just a little something new. Maybe, just maybe these life skills for teens might help you get through your day, or week ahead.