Replace Your Vacuum – When to Upgrade
Replace your vacuum when it’s worn out. That seems simple, right? However, the big question is when is a vacuum worn out? Should even wait until it’s worn out or should you upgrade after a few years? How long do vacuum cleaners even last? A slew of questions surrounds the idea of replacing your vacuum. That’s why you’re here. You need to know when to replace your vacuum. So let’s talk about that. Post contains affiliate links as a service to my readers. I make a small commission on qualifying purchases. Vacuum Cleaner Lifespan Vacuum cleaners last for around eight years, on average. However, your mileage may vary. More than…
Five Indoor Chores Most Kids Can Do and a Reward Chart Printable
Indoor chores are simple for any age. If your children are old enough to stand at the sink then they are also old enough to learn to help. There are many small simple indoor chores even toddlers can help with daily. The trick is making any job fun and encouraging them along the way. We have a few rules at our house. One of them is that we all strive to be respectful. That is a work in progress some days, because my kids are now 11 and 13 and they often argue a lot. But even when they do that we are clear that when someone hurts another person’s feelings…
Pass the Gravy – A Canadian Thanksgiving #Giveaway
It’s time for Canadian Thanksgiving. Yippee! Now pass the gravy. We have so much to be thankful for this year. In fact, if you live in Canada, I am pretty sure you all need to be thankful for the gift of geography and how blessed we each are to be living in a country so rich with resources. After my recent trip with World Vision Canada, I can tell you my perspective on gratitude and life in general has changed dramatically. Canadian Thanksgiving is a great time to share your home, your heart and a beautiful meal together. But before you get to that there’s a fair bit of work…