Stay Healthy this Summer – 8 Tips to be Your Best
Stay healthy this summer so you can enjoy more sunny days. The warm weather is finally here so why would you want to waste it with being sick? Being sick is rotten in any season, so anything we can do to keep illness at bay is always welcome. Staying healthy is the name of the game every month. It just means making a few different choices in the summer months. Stay Healthy with These 8 Tips It’s important that we remember to take care of ourselves even when the weather is warm. We often think of sickness in conjunction with the cold months, but you can still get sick when the weather…
Fall Home Essentials for a Healthy Start #ChurchandDwight
Back to school time is here which means it’s also almost fall. I’m sure by now you have thought of the notebooks and backpacks and back to school supplies. But there are a few other things I like to stock now too. Things are about to get crazy, so it’s time to prepare your family and your home with a few Fall Home Essentials. Kid’s schedules start to get nuts right about now which means the Mom and Dad Taxi is about to be overrun with requests. Busy, plus cold and flu season, plus extra laundry due to the extracurriculars and the dropping temperatures equals time to stock up on…
Eight Things You Can Do Close to Home This March Break #Giveaway ARV $80
It’s March and that means one or two things around here. First it means spring is on the way. Second it means spring break. To be 100 % honest with you lovely readers, I have not worked out where I will be, or what we will be doing. Travel blogger life means plans change often and that can very well be last minute. So I am sort of planning that there will be some staycation bits to March break and some travel bits tossed in there too. My tween and teen are looking forward to time off school. I am adding clients again and so I will be working much…
Towards Better Health 2016
Better health 2016? Is that one of your goals for this year? Better health 2016 seems to be a common goal for many people and that’s not a bad thing. In fact, I think it’s a constant and admirable thing to maintain every month and every year. Around here I am always working hard to try new activities and sports that challenge me. I think that’s a good lesson to my kids too. If MOM can learn to ski, or try ZUMBA, or cycling, or whatever new sport, then so can they. Five Ways to Help Build Better Health Just a few small things can help make a big impact over the…
Boost Your Metabolism in 4 Easy Steps
Everyone wants to lose weight and feel healthier. There are many ways to do that, but all roads start with knowing how to boost your metabolism. It’s easier than you think. All you need to do is change a few things, and you’ll be able to boost your metabolism for better health and better weight. 4 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism The problem that a lot of us have with losing and maintaining our weight is a sluggish metabolism. Once I hit 40 my metabolism hit a wall. It’s even harder now to maintain and lose weight. Plus there’s all that other awesome stuff that appears when hit 40 (like…
DIY Mint Body Scrub for Gifting
Mint body scrub is a great refresher for any time you need it. It is particularly energizing in the morning when you need a natural boost. This mint body scrub makes a great gift for someone special and is so easy to make. There are just three simple ingredients and it meets the thrifty criteria for sure. Make it and package it up with some pretty adornments. Perfect for gifting! Mint is a great way to perk up both your mood and skin, so this easy to make body scrubs proves to be rejuvenating for mind and body. When skin needs a little polishing to help remove dead skin, sugar…
Boost Your Child’s Health with Webber Naturals
Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. Any purchase made via the link here results in a small commission for Thrifty Mommas Tips at no extra cost to you. A good vitamin supplement like Treehouse Vitamins from Webber Naturals can be like nutritional insurance for your child. In this neck of the woods, during one of the nastiest cold and flu seasons we’ve witnessed in recent years, insurance is important. My kids eat well, but we lead a very busy active life and sometimes I worry. My youngest, is especially prone to colds, and flu bugs. And she loves to share, so that means if she gets sick…
Ascenta Health and Resolutions
Last year I was asked to be an Ascenta Health ambassador and it’s a role I will continue on with as it supports my family goal of staying healthy. Good health and the pursuit of good health is a constant goal we strive for, and frankly this year more than ever, I am renewing our commitment. Brain and cardiovascular health of my children is incredibly important to me. Here’s a bit about why we love this easy to take liquid for maintenance of daily health. Ascenta Health Nutrasea Omega 3 and How it Fits Our Life Ascent Health NutraSea Omega 3 for kids has been a regular part of our…