Camping With Toddlers 101- Keeping Your Sanity and Keeping Them Safe
Camping with toddlers is a wonderful way to show them all kinds of new and exciting things. It’s a way for the family to bond over every leaf and bug and critter you come across. It’s also a great way to lose your mind if you don’t come prepared. Camping with Toddlers 101 When camping with toddlers, you have two main concerns: keeping them safe, and keeping your sanity intact. Toddlers can be tons of fun, but they can also be little devils if they aren’t properly occupied and stimulated. Tiny, screaming, red-eyed devils. You know it’s true. So what are we to do? I’m so glad you asked! Keep…
Kid’s Packing List Printable #travel
Whether you’re packing for the beach, or a week away at camp, it helps if the kids pitch in. But if your kids are like mine at all, then they sometimes pack all the wrong things. Like seven books, no underwear and two blankets. Heck, who needs a bathing suit at the beach anyways? Or for that matter, shorts? Or pyjamas even? I typically do the double check before we get out the door, but there are always things that slip by. Like this particular family trip when someone packed something that got us the hairy eyeball at airport security. Lucky we didn’t get more than that I suppose. Let’s…
Affordable Ontario Family Vacations at Carefree RV Camping Resort #YourCarefreeSummer #livincarefree
Summer is here and the living is easy. Or soon to be easy, right? With a bit of planning, you can have a great family vacation this summer that the kids will remember for years to come. And right now you can easily save 20 % on RV Camping in Ontario at Carefree RV Resorts. The summer months are super short. Right now, as I am booking my kid’s day camps and overnight camp too I am extremely aware of how fast the time will fly. Even with the extra week off school this year, summer vacations in Ontario are over almost as soon as they are started. The warm…
Dear Mom Camp Series – April – #MuskokaWoods
Dear Mom: This month for our third post about Muskoka Woods I am not going to hound you, or remind you about signing me up. I know you are looking after that and I can’t wait. Soon I will start my end of school countdown. I am getting so excited. I am going to let you talk this month here because I know you have a lot to say and I know you are still thinking about whether Ainsley can manage overnight camp yet or not. So, over to you and Tada! (I always wanted to say that.) Your daughter, Payton. Last May, the girls and I spent a…