So Where’ve I Been for the Last Year?
So Where’ve I Been this last year? Two years ago this week we were practically standing at the door ready to roll on our trip to Vermont I was writing here 3-4 times a week, a regular contributor to CBC Parents and Content Coordinator at Neighbours of Sunningdale. But the pandemic upended a lot of that. Travel ground to a standstill two years ago this week and that was that. What is a travel writer without the ability to travel? I pivoted fast to writing about pandemic parenting and that worked for several months. Frankly, that first year just being able to keep paying the mortgage was a big accomplishment.…
Kid-Friendly Internet with KidsWifi #Giveaway
Creating a Kid-friendly space to use the internet is something most parents are after. The web is a great place full of knowledge, creativity, and new ideas. It can also be a dark place filled with vulgar language, images, and videos. The worst part is that it’s so easy to quickly jump from something benign to something your kids can’t unsee. All it takes is a search for one thing, a click, and suddenly, kid-friendly internet becomes a scary space filling our children’s minds with images and questions that we weren’t prepared to answer just yet. Keeping the Internet Kid-Friendly Of course, safety comes in the form of filtering out unwanted content for…
Social Media Issues – How Ontario Teachers Navigate the Waters
Social media issues can be challenging. It’s a field that is in a constant state of flux. Facebook changes its algorithm. Twitter offers a new feed. One network wanes while another jets off into the stratosphere. And just when you think you have it all figured out, suddenly your high schooler comes home talking about some new chat service that nobody over the age of 20 has EVER heard of before. Social media issues can be a real danger to both children and the teachers responsible for their education. Teachers are the people who spend 5 to 6 hours a day with your child. They need to know how to navigate the…
Cyber Threats – Protect Yourself and all Your Devices
I am part of the PTPA Brand Ambassador Program with ESET, and I received compensation as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions in this blog are my own. Cyber threats are frightening and a reality for anyone who owns a computer, tablet or cell phone. Cyber threats are one of the most worrisome encroachments on our personal lives we face these days. Between ransomware and backdoor key logging malware, cyber threats can and do infiltrate our daily lives. While most of them are only nuisances, there is still possibility of disastrous life changing occurrences like identity theft and financial theft. It’s important to protect yourself from cyber threats,…
Online Safety for Kids – 3 Tips to Keep Them Safe
Online safety is paramount for children. Kids that are old enough to use the internet are still too young to exercise adequate caution. That’s why it’s so important for parents to teach them how to make online safety a constant part of their internet experience. I could tell you stories already of both my kids stumbling across things I’d rather they didn’t see at all. It’s much too easy to accidentally type the wrong search term and suddenly be confronted with something completely inappropriate for children. Tweens and teens are no different. If you think that they know more than you about social media and engaging on line, then quite frankly…
29 Lessons Learned at Mom 2.0 #mom2summit
I’m back! I’m back. Just got back from Mom 2 Summit and need to share some amazing things with you. But, you know that saying: Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened. Yeah, well I call BS. Just kidding. Sort of. Mom 2.0 has become one of my favourite social media conferences. Social media conferences or blogging conferences can be an excellent business tool for so many reasons. In the last few years I have been to many. But here’s one of my favourites. Let me tell you why. Did you know social media conferences are often a great chance to learn and elevate your brand? And…