Adoption and Family Tree Free Printable Activity for Kids
The Adoption Family Tree Printable is unique and intended to help kids visualize and process their place in the family and maybe even their understanding of adoption as a social phenomenon. Our kids often give new meaning to the proverb it takes a village to raise a child. Adoption and adoptive families are different. In more ways than most people can imagine. Once I wrote about some of the challenges of being an adoptive family here on CBC web site. Adoption is Not Like It Is In The Movies. Our kids often come with more challenges throughout life. They sometimes begin their lives with a loss that can remain…
Traditional Family Tree Printable for Family Day
The ancestry topic is hot no matter what age you are. At some point in your child’s education they will start to learn about ancestry and heritage. This Traditional Family Tree Printable for kids can help them sort some of their heritage out. Family Tree PS-1 When you have little people it can be a lot of fun to help them discover their world. Part of that discovery process also involves figuring out who belongs where. Which uncle is married to which aunt? Who is that, as far as it relates to Daddy? My one daughter, even at 10, will still ask sometimes: is Uncle Ken Daddy’s brother or…