Pool Party Summer Lesson Pack K – Grade 1
If it’s summer it’s time for a pool party! It can also be time for summer slide. Don’t let that happen whether you homeschool or go to public school. This Pool Party Summer Lesson Pack will help you stave off summer slide this year. Or it might help your little one get prepared to start school in September. Summer Lesson Pack There’s a range of activities here to help your little one trace shapes and lines and even practice their cutting skills. All of these fine motor skills can also help your child get ready for school, if this is the year they are starting. If you homeschool you can use…
Video Game Themed Word Search for Kids
Are your kids total video game junkies like mine? Do they love to spend an afternoon playing Minecraft or Mario Bros, or even Undertale? Mine have moved on from the Five Nights at Freddie’s phenomenon to Minecraft and Undertale. They also like video game toys and merchandise too so I figured this free Video Games Word Search would be perfect for them. I mean what could be better than a video game at this age? Not much I think. They eat, sleep, and breathe games and gaming. But, maybe you stand a chance at getting them to do something a bit more traditional if you print out this video games word…
Fun Spring Word Search for Kids
I’ve got a Spring word search for kids on my mind today. If you know me at all, then you know that my entire family loves printable fun word searches and crosswords. Last night I supervised my daughter doing a cute crossword for grade nine English class. It was all about literary terms like – fill in the word – a comparison using like is called a: SIMILE. And a comparison that doesn’t use like is a: Metaphor. Anyways that was fun homework. I can totally get behind that kind of homework. This Free Spring Word Search for kids is not as hard as that crossword was, so don’t worry, the…
Family Puzzle Word Game Printable
It’s officially March break here and I figured you might need something fun and inexpensive to share with the kids. Like this word game. Who doesn’t love word searches and word games? As a child I loved word puzzles like these. Anyways what have you all got planned for March break or spring break? Are you travelling? Are you on a Stay-cation? Are you just hanging out at home saving some money? I am not even sure what we are doing yet actually. I’d love to be travelling somewhere. But we will have to see what comes up. I know right now we have one birthday party scheduled for the first weekend…
My Back to School Fill Ins Printable #BTS
Back to school means certain things are soon to be regular daily features of our lives again. Like backpacks and desks and homework. Like the school bus and notebooks and forms. Oh the forms! I dread the forms already. So what, do you enjoy about back to school? Is there anything you are not so fond of? Are you ready yet? How about your little people? Are they ready yet? [tweetthis]Are you ready for Back to School season?[/tweetthis] This month I am rolling out a few free back to school printables just for you. If you aren’t already a regular subscriber here, then you might not know…there are two ways…
Beach and Pool Checklist Printable
Heading to the beach this summer? Then you need this Beach and Pool Checklist printable. Stay organized and make the best of your beach time. That’s important when your sunny days are limited. Victoria Day weekend has passed in Canada and Memorial Day in the US just passed and I am giddy! Giddy I tell you. Winter was a fickle season and it basically aged me about ten years so I am looking forward to summer stripping away about 15 years. That’s how it works, right? Right? Of course it does. Give me something to hang onto here would you? Anyways, as you might recall I am a beach-loving pool…
Mother’s Day Word Search Printable Activity Sheet
If you hang around here often then you know that I like to share printables around special occasions. With Mother’s Day coming up I figured it would be a great time to share some love through a Mother’s Day Word Search. Dads: print this off and your kids can do them with Mom, or they can do this Mother’s Day Word Search when you are making Mom breakfast in bed. What are you doing this Mother’s Day? I suspect my day will be relaxing. Or, I hope, my day will be relaxing. I need a small break and I really need a day off of work right about now. In the event…
Easter Bookmarks Free Printable
If you are at all like me, then you want to take some time each weekend to carve out an hour or two for reading. It is such a wonderful weekend hour or two when you find yourself lost in a good book. But, at the same time life calls and there are so many things to do every weekend. So you only ever get so far and then need time to finish up all the rest of the things that are on that to do list. Bookmarks sometimes save the day. I am forever losing my bookmarks. The kids do the same thing. What is it about a bookmark…
Ainsley’s Tween Girl Birthday Word Search
It’s my daughter’s eleventh birthday. My youngest daughter. My mini ninja. The girl we used to dub a two foot tornado. Now a four foot tornado. No idea how she can possibly be eleven! Then again, I can’t believe I have a teenager either. Ainsley keeps us on our toes, but in a good way mostly. From the moment she arrived in our home she was almost always on the go. I remember her first ever attempt at rolling as a baby. She rolled clear across the living room floor to grab her sister’s Barbie. That’s just her way. At four she started martial arts. On a day when she’d…
St. Patrick’s Day Word Search Free Printable
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Well, almost! My husband is part Irish, so we could wholeheartedly celebrate this holiday if we wanted to. We don’t typically. I mean, we have kids. Our fun times and parties incorporate kid’s games and family friendly activities. What do you do for St. Patrick’s Day? Do you celebrate at all or play it low key? Regardless of whether you go all out or stay home and play it low key watching a movie, pretty much anyone can appreciate a simple word search. This one is simple enough for the kids and clean family friendly fun for the rest of us. I love word puzzles and…