Happy New Year 2020 Colouring Doodle
Happy New Year 2020 to all of you! How did you spend your New Year’s Eve? Last night, we went skiing as a family, well mostly…my one girl went to a friend’s sleepover party and chose to stay there. It’s a New Decade – Welcome to 2020! So the rest of us, the remaining three members of my family, went skiing at Boler Mountain in town here and had a great time together. At 9:30 pm roughly every New Year’s Eve they have a family New Year’s Eve event and we have enjoyed it a few times. Last year, we ushered in the New Year with my good friend Margarita…
Cute Christmas Owls Colouring Page
What is it about owls? Ever since I was a child I have been fascinated with owls. Not sure when that started, but I definitely recall being a Brownie and following along to a leader called Brown Owl. She was wise and smart. Then, as an adult along came the Harry Potter series and frankly Harry’s Owl is one of my favourite owls of all time. If you like owls, then don’t miss this roundup of Harry Potter gifts this season. When my kids were little we would go to Storybook Gardens and there was always an owl there – a rescued owl actually – who kind of captivated all…
Sign Language Flash Cards and Memory Game
Use these Sign Language Flash Cards and Memory Game to nurture a love of languages this year. These are perfect for any age. I have been a language lover from the time I was young. At about 7 years old I wrote a booklet with a male classmate. It was grade two, I think, and we made a big splash with our words and storytelling and I knew pretty much from that age that I’d be a writer in some capacity. In those early days language and learning and words were everything to me. Family too, of course. Things haven’t really changed that much in that regard. My kids are…
Fun Spring Colouring Page Printable
It’s officially spring. This year I have shared some monthly colouring pages for your personal use. Today I figured you would enjoy this cute and fun spring colouring page printable too. It seems everyone looks forward to spring. I actually enjoy the winter months because of ski season. When the skiing stops I get a little bit sad. Skiers can relate I’m sure. Whether you love spring or sadly put the ski gear away and grieve a bit for the loss of snow, we can all agree the change of seasons is a challenge. Daylight savings time can be awful for some kids to adjust too. Disrupted sleep makes life…
Adorable Happy Halloween Colouring Page
An adorable Halloween colouring page is a fun little gift from me to you because I know the kids are going to be completely jacked up on candy tonight and you may need something to calm them down. Oh I enjoy candy as much as the next person. But not when my kids are sugar spun little nutters unable to calm down in order to get to sleep. So here’s my theory. After letting them sort safely through their candy and trade a few pieces and pay the toll i.e.. share some goodies with Mom or Dad, then it’s time to put that haul away. Bring out the Halloween colouring page or…
Happy September Colouring Page
Where has this month gone? I can’t even begin to figure out. Of course September and back to school is always a crazy time. But how is September 20th here already? Turn back the dial about a month, could you? If your September is whipping by as fast as mine is then you might need to slow it down a bit, even just for a second with this cute September colouring page. This year I have shared some monthly colouring pages for your personal use. Today I figured you would enjoy this cute and fun September colouring page printable too. They are always free for my readers, but not…
Welcome April Colouring Page Printable
April showers bring May Flowers right? That’s sometimes one of the only things getting me through April. It can be such dreary rainy grey month of transition. May of course is summer and road trips and here it means opening the pool!! That makes me happy. I mean if I can’t ski then I might as well swim and read by the pool. Are you an April fan? Do you enjoy the showers? Or do you search out ways to lift your spirits during the dreary rainy showers this month. If you need something to do, or if you are stuck indoors with your kids and need some activities that…
Pretty Parchment Paper Style Vintage Christmas Gift Tags
Are you wrapping your gifts already? Then it’s time for the embellishments like these vintage old Christmas gift tags and bookmarks. You know what makes a gift really pop underneath the tree? The tags, bookmarks, ribbons, bows and cute little notes that make the gifts look so much cheerier. Those are my favourites, especially because it’s easy to find great examples of cute Christmas tags and bookmarks all over some of my favourite blogs. I know my Vintage Gift Tags from years ago do well this time of year. Everyone downloads and prints these ones out. So I figured you might like a few more options. Here are some pretty…
Autumn Word Search
Well, so long summer. Hard for me to say that as you know. This summer was a bit of a dud in the weather department. Here’s hoping the fall months bring some lovely sunny days for a few more weeks. Here’s a quick autumn word search that will have you, or your kids enjoying a few minutes of fun. Autumn days can be fun for hikes and walks and even camping too. What’s your favourite month? For me autumn is apple picking and squash and delicious warm crockpot meals. It’s a busy time too though with back to school of course. Do you have a favourite thing about the Fall…
Christmas Bookmarks Printable
So what are you reading? Right now I am reading Karma Brown’s second novel, The Choices We Make. It’s a page turner. Are your kids huge readers like mine are? Need some cute and festive Christmas bookmarks then? My kids love books and we are always scrounging for bookmarks so here are some festive Christmas bookmarks for you. My youngest is actually all about the books and my older daughter whips through books so quick, it’s not economical to buy them. I know that sounds weird but last year I bought her a novel she wanted and by 1 p.m. Christmas Day she finished reading it. So that seemed…