Best Cruises for Kids – 4 Cruise Lines that Kids Will Love
The Best cruises for kids are the ones that offer activities that keep kids excited, engaged, and stimulated. That being said, it can be hard to find a cruise line that can really deliver in that department. For a long time, cruises have been associated with older kids and adults, which makes sense to a degree when you consider you’re on a ship for at least a week and often going on off-ship excursions. Over the past decade, however, cruise lines have seen the value of making their cruises more kid-friendly. So let’s take a look at four of my picks for top cruises for kids. The Four Best Cruise Lines for…
Vow Renewal – A Few Memorable Destinations #travel
Vow renewal is a beautiful and romantic thing. It’s a way for couples to reaffirm their commitment to one another in a way that’s more than just the everyday “I love you” and the occasional flower bouquet. I’ve been thinking about this lately and contemplating whether this is something we should do for our 25th wedding anniversary. I like the idea of building a memorable romantic trip together as a couple. Renewing our vows could add a touch of magic to our marriage. It might remind us how we felt that day when we first slipped those rings on our fingers in front of friends and family so many years ago. Unforgettable…
My Top Six Mother’s Day Gifts From Hallmark #Giveaways
Mother’s Day is a hard time of year when you are missing your Mom. Three years ago I lost my Mom. I miss her every day and this time of year I miss her so much my heart hurts. We did things together on Mother’s Day most years, but there are many moments now I wish I had hugged her tighter, and called her more frequently, and brought her flowers every time I saw her. That’s why I want to remind you that it’s a special time of year and you need to take time to spend it with your Mom. Buy all the Mother’s Day gifts or give her…
What to Say – Let Teleflora Help this Valentine’s Day 2 $100 Gift Codes #Giveaway #WhatisLove #Teleflora
What to say. Let’s face it many of us struggle with words. What’s the right word? How can we get what’s in our hearts out onto paper? How can you find the words to tell someone special exactly how much they mean to you? It’s a tough thing sometimes. Right now, this Valentine’s Day, Teleflora is taking the challenge out of fumbling for words with Love Note Concierge. What to Say is Tough A lot of times, it’s not that you don’t know how to express how you feel. It’s that you don’t know how to adequately express how you feel. Sometimes, I love you seems like it’s not enough. For…
Valentine’s Day printable coupon book
It’s almost Valentine’s Day again! Seems like it was only yesterday when we were celebrating Valentine’s Day 2015! Anyways I have several Valentine’s Day printables to share with my friends here. Some are brand new and very simple to download and share. Others are from 2015 and live on my Pinterest board. Here is also a Valentine’s Day word search for you from the Pinterest board. I hope you each have a beautiful Valentine’s Day surrounded with friends and loved ones. I hope you have a lovely time sharing a romantic dinner and I hope you get flowers too. I love flowers and I rarely receive them. Anyways, this…
Be My Valentine – Say it With Hallmark #Giveaway
Be my Valentine. It’s the classic phrase, and you can’t help but love saying it. Whether you say it to your significant other or your kids, be my Valentine, is a phrase that says, “I love you, and you’re important to me”. It makes you feel all warm inside to say it or to hear it. My favorite is to pair that with a nice card and a cute item from Hallmark. Be My Valentine is My Jam! Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays. Although it does involve gifts, it’s not like Christmas where everyone expects a pile of presents. Instead, it’s more about the love we feel…
29 Days of Love Sayings February Calendar Printable
Happy February! February is the month of Family Day and Valentine’s Day. To me, that makes it a month to celebrate love. I hope this year I am able to take some time on Family Day to go skiing or simply hang out with my family. I often end up working through these sorts of days but Family Day is a special one to me here in Ontario, Canada. We celebrate in several provinces now. I think family and love are great themes. Anyways last month one of my talented helpers brought you this January inspirational love sayings calendar. I liked it so much I asked her to keep making…
RSVP Now and Join us Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 8 p.m. EST for World Vision Canada Gift Catalogue Twitter Party #MeaningfulGifts
Are you starting to feel the spirit of the season yet? I don’t know about the rest of you but as much as I love summer (it’s my favourite season) there’s something absolutely lovely about cuddling by a fireplace staying indoors and watching a good TV show, or curling up with your children while flipping through the latest holiday gift catalogue that arrived at your home. We have been doing a lot of that lately here as the temperatures dip. I am happy to say we’ve already chosen a few gifts from the World Vision Canada gift catalogue so that we can give meaningful holiday gifts to our friends, teachers, and family members. Just…
“I Want Them To Know They Are Loved” – On Holiday Gifts That Matter #MeaningfulGifts
Boys play with a wooden gun used in re-enactment dramas, which can be part of rehabilitation therapy sessions. Many are familiar with how to handle the weapon. – Photographs from World Vision’s Children of War Rehabilitation Center in Gulu: daily life under World Vision’s care and reunions with their families; portraits to accompany Nigel Marsh interviews. This is a Guest Post by my Daughter Payton Schuck, she’s in grade nine this year and has been involved with helping us choose which World Vision Canada gift catalogue holiday gifts that we give as a family. This family tradition started last year. In grade seven Payton did a project about child soldiers.…
Thrifty Momma’s Tips 2015 Holiday Gift Guide is Now Accepting Submissions #TMMGG2015
Do you have a product you are looking to boost this season? Does your IT Toy need some buzz? Do you want to see your toy, or item, shared with millions? Good news. I have the solution. Every year Thrifty Momma’s Tips Holiday Gift Guide generates millions of impressions. Oh sure, I know it’s September, but soon enough the snow will fly and the holidays will be in full swing. I have already received a few Holiday gift guide submission inquiries in the last month, so in response to those I have prepared a few guidelines and thoughts on what I will and won’t accept here for consideration in the annual…