family,  Giveaways

What to Say – Let Teleflora Help this Valentine’s Day 2 $100 Gift Codes #Giveaway #WhatisLove #Teleflora

What to say. Let’s face it many of us struggle with words. What’s the right word? How can we get what’s in our hearts out onto paper? How can you find the words to tell someone special exactly how much they mean to you? It’s a tough thing sometimes. Right now, this Valentine’s Day, Teleflora is taking the challenge out of fumbling for words with Love Note Concierge.

Lovely Hearts Bouquet

What to Say is Tough

A lot of times, it’s not that you don’t know how to express how you feel. It’s that you don’t know how to adequately express how you feel. Sometimes, I love you seems like it’s not enough. For those times, when you don’t think your words can adequately express the depths of your feelings, you can use Teleflora’s Love Note Concierge service. The service launched just this week to help you make the most of Valentine’s Day.

Love Note Concierge helps those of us who have a hard time knowing what to say with a beautiful, loving note specially designed to let your loved one know just how much they mean to you. Simply go to the Teleflora website, and pick from any of their gorgeous Valentine’s Day bouquets, and let Love Note Concierge craft a note that fully expresses the depth and breadth of your love. Or dial in to talk to a concierge in person. I gave it a try this week. Even though I make a living with words sometimes finding the right tone to convey how important my husband is to me is challenging. The concierge understood all of that. I called in, gave a few quick background details; for instance, she asked me to remember one of the first things I thought when we met, my first impression of him, the first time I knew I was in love and also something that makes him special. That was all pretty easy. Then five minutes or less later, I had 2 sentiments written for us. (which I will totally use and pass off as my own. You can do that too. Nobody needs to know.)

This is what my concierge came up with. BY the way did I mention the service is FREE?!

Regardless of the time or test, you stood by me, loving me unconditionally, always.”

Nice, right? I like that it strikes a sentimental without being overly sappy. Perfect for me.

Teleflora and Love Note Concierge Make Valentine’s Day Everything it Should Be

With Teleflora and their Love Note Concierge service, you don’t have to wrack your brain to come up with words that simply aren’t what you wanted in the first place. The Love Note Concierge service says what you want to say when you don’t know what to say. Attach that note to any of their gorgeous bouquets, and you’ve got the best Valentine’s Day gift around.

Teleflora Best Friends Forever Bouquet
Best Friends Forever Bouquet

You can choose from all sorts of bouquets like:

  • Pair of Hearts Bouquet – Red roses, red carnations, and white alstroemeria.
  • Wrapped With Passion Bouquet – Dramatic long-stemmed roses and fragrant pink stargazer lillies gathered in a hand-blown, Italian glass vase.

    what to say
    Wrapped with Passion Bouquet

There are also bouquets for family members and even best friends. Visit Teleflora’s website to see everything they have to offer.

[tweetthis]Love Note Concierge is a useful new @Teleflora service. #whatislove[/tweetthis]

Win a Teleflora Prize Pack

Right now, you can win one of two $100.00 gifts to use at Teleflora, so you can get the best bouquet ever for your loved one. Then you can pair it with Love Note Concierge so you can be sure that your words match your feelings. This giveaway is open to US and Canada. Please follow instructions in order to win. The giveaway finishes after Valentine’s Day but the gifts can be used for months after. Have a birthday coming up? Teleflora has beautiful arrangements for that too. Good Luck!!

[tweetthis]Enter to win one of two $100 gift codes to buy a beautiful @Teleflora arrangement here. #giveaways #whatislove [/tweetthis]

I work with Teleflora from time to time and receive perks as a result of that relationship. My opinion is all my own.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.