The Five Ws of Twitter Chats and Parties #LinkedMoms
Well, what do you know, we are back again with a vengeance here at #LinkedMoms. This week’s chat is going to be a great one. We have several prizes lined up. Thanks to our sponsor Ascenta Health, we will be keeping you healthy while we chat it up Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST – the Topic Twitter Chats!
Anyone who knows us, knows that we love a good twitter chat or a twitter party.
Twitter parties and chats are some of the hottest tools around connecting brands with Moms and Dads on line fast and spreading the message about your new product, service or event.
This is your official invitation:
Please join us – Paula and Margarita.
Follow your hosts @inkscrblr @linkedmoms @downshiftingPOS
And follow the hashtag #linkedmoms on Wednesday night, September 19th at 8 p.m. The chat will be one hour.
Follow @Ascenta_Health too and show them some love.
So what are some of the rules of twitter chats?
How do they work?
How do you do a twitter chat?
Why do you do a twitter chat?
Why would brands want to hire hosts like #linkedmoms to hold a twitter chat for them?
Is my product suitable for a chat?
When do they happen?
Stay tuned Wednesday night at 8 p.m. to learn the hows and whys, ins and outs, ups and downs of chatting on Twitter. Can you spell engagement? Well that’s what it’s all about. Hop on and strap yourself in for the ride. These chats go fast sometimes.
This week the prizes are generous:
1. Ascenta Health will provide one bottle of Nutrasea pure fish oil for Adults.
2. Ascenta Health will also provide one bottle of Nutrasea pure fish oil for children. (Helps grow strong brains while they are developing.)
3. An assortment of ClubHouse spices – gift package of five. (So delicious)
4. A great read: Gold by Chris Cleave.
5. A backpack filled with Post-It goodies!
Please leave a comment here if you have any questions you want us to tackle tomorrow night (the 19th).