What Hooked Me First #PTPAInsider
What hooked me first was the hair. Oh, I’m deadly serious here. Anyone who hangs out at PTPA media web site, or watches the great televised appearances of the PTPA (parent tested and parent approved) winner’s list of products knows who I am talking about when I say PTPA and hair in the same sentence. I am of course, talking about CEO Sharon Vinderine.
A couple of years ago at a digital media conference, PTPA CEO Sharon Vinderine spoke. And then again last year at She’s Connected 2011. Vinderine is a savvy business woman and the head of a really dynamic business, named Parent Tested, Parent Approved. I see PTPA seals in all the major retailers now, and when I don’t see them I seek them out inside a store to see what Sharon approves. She is smart. She is social media savvy. She is a Mom and frankly, she has built a small business army of Moms and Dads who are fans of PTPA and the award-winning products that have earned the coveted seal.
Now, make no mistake, as Sharon spoke I was absorbing every word, but at the same time, in complete honesty, it’s darn near impossible not to be hypnotized by Sharon’s gorgeous curly hair. It was perfect. See, I too am a curly-haired girl and my quest to make those curls behave and be shiny and defined, has been lifelong. No joke. So, way back in 2010 or 2011, as I listened to Sharon connecting with brands and bloggers in a Toronto conference room, I think I heard some of what she said, and I learned a bit about the amazing web site for parents and brands and I took it all home with me after that first encounter to process slowly. But, in a bizarrely curious and compelling way I still wanted to know what did she use to make her curly hair look so perfect. And what was the secret to the flawless makeup and also how is it possible to have such white teeth? I kind of wanted to raid her bathroom cupboards and find out all her beauty secrets.
I promise you I am not a stalker. So instead, I visited the PTPA website and enjoyed learning about the buzz-worthy brands and amazing new products, which are all tested and approved by parents before they can carry the seal on the product in stores. I bought a couple of toys that Christmas, because they were new, and they carried the PTPA seal. And I ever so slowly rooted through the products that had come home with me from the conference and – much to my great joy – I found some hair and beauty products. They each had the PTPA seal on them. I pulled them out and hid them away from my daughters who try to use all my most prized possessions on their own skin and hair. Then, one by one, I used them and they were just for me. Perfection. Better quality hair care products than I had used before and they tamed unruly curls. They far surpassed others I have tried over the years. The hair products were perfect and made for curly haired girls like me. The seal was like Sharon saying: “This is what I use; this is what I trust.” The lip balm is the only product I use at night, every night. There are many great and innovative children’s products and toys and events and games on PTPA and I can’t wait to dig in and test and review as many as they will send. There are many parents I admire hanging out over there chatting at PTPA, where the conversation is always interesting. There is Christine Lee McNaughton, a truly sweet and fabulous blogger, aka @chancesmommy and a bevvy of new voices join the chorus often. There are regular on line chats and great brands and prizes available too. But, initially the thing that hooked me was the hair. The PTPA winning hair and beauty products that came home in the mass of swag from the conference were just for me. I use them passionately still because they work so well.
Do you want to be an insider like me?
Join PTPA. Sign up to be a tester. Fill out the application to become a product tester and then make sure you really work hard on the profile process. It should be at 100 % before you click submit. Also follow PTPA on Facebook and Twitter. Get to know a few of the familiar voices that are hanging out chatting about parenting and brands. Follow @dogpaddling and engage all of us during the chats. They are easy to join, I promise. They are fun and I have even won a prize or two over the last couple of years. This Christmas, or back to school season check PTPA media first for what is hot before you hit the mall or the on line stores.
I have reviewed a few great PTPA winning products on my blog. Adult Essentials adult gummy vitamins is one product. And I hosted a twitter party for Heather Manley, author of Human Body Detectives series.
The other day I was at Walmart and spied a great new kitchen gadget that wore a shiny PTPA seal that I recognized clearly. I was shopping with some relatives, but I filed it away in my memory for the next time I am in the store. I want to know more about the kitchen tool because it looked appealing to me and because of the PTPA seal. To me, the PTPA seal is like having one of my best friends standing beside me whispering into my ear: “You have to have that. It is IN, it is excellent quality and I love mine.”
What better endorsement is there?

Christine McN
Oh my goodness! I loved you before, but I love you even more after this post! You are HI-LA-RI-OUS, Paula!!! Welcome to PTPA! So excited you are part of the community! #ptpainsider
Paula Schuck
Thank you my lovely and sweet friend.
Awww Love this post!! So happy to see you have joined the team!! Welcome! I manage the FB Page over at PTPA, I look forward to reading more! xo -P.S LOVE Sharon and Christine <3 Meri
Brandi Yee
Such a great post! That’s awesome that you’re a part of the PTPA, I trust everything that has the PTPA seal on it 🙂 And I agree, it’s so easy to be mesmerized by people with fabulous hair 😉 hehe
Emily @FamilyNLifeLV
Such a fun post!! Congrats!
Isis Serraon
This is the first time I’ve heard about PTPA. I live in a cave LOL! You got me curious about it. Checking them out now!
Libby's Library
I’m be watching for the PTPA on all the products that I want to buy for my grandchildren – Thanks!
Grandma Juice
I haven’t heard of PTPA until now, but that was an awesome post! And who doesn’t have to go check out ‘that hair’ now??? 🙂
Sober Julie
PTPA is a great company with very REAL testers whose opinion actually matter! I love her hair too 😉
Mom vs. the boys
hahaha so true right? gorgeous hair, it’s a little suspicious no? too perfect!
Just Married with Coupons
Very cool site, this is actually my first time hearing it. Now, I am also on a quest to see this gorgeous curly hair too 😉
Thanks for sharing!
Love when I see that seal of approval when I am out and about! Feels like seeing a familiar freind:)
LOL, hilarious! I think I heard something about PTPA before but I’m glad I now know what it is.
Mama Ash
Hahaha, that’s so true. She has great hair.
Great post, I love being a part of PTPA 🙂
Mariah @ FormulaMom.com
You definitely made me chuckle because I know exactly what you are talking about with the hair! I first got involved with PTPA because I love parent to parent advice but the hair is a close second! 🙂
Tammy inRdream
Great post! I agree on all counts, I am a HUGE PTPA fan!
LOL! I was sitting in a committee meeting one day when one of the members looked at me at said “Your hair is so pretty it’s distracting.” I too have a head full of long curls. It’s not always perfect, usually not, but I guess I was having a good hair day that day!
I always look twice now at a product that has the PTPA seal of approval.
So…did you find out what she uses???? This is important information to us curly girls!!!!
They are the best!! 🙂 I love PTPA and Sharon’s hair also makes me want my waves back that I always straighten out 🙂
Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired
Glad to hear you enjoy PTPA. It sounds like a great group, a wonderful community, and a good way to find top recommended products. I’ll definitely have to sign up too!
Great job Paula. I’ve applied to be a PTPA tester twice now, and never got a response. Maybe I should apply once more; it’s been over 10 months that I last applied.
I can’t believe my hair has taken on a life of its own! Thanks for all of the kind comments everyone, and especially the lovely Paula 🙂
I can’t tell you how proud I feel to hear the following that PTPA has gained, it really is like seeing your dream come true, which is exactly what PTPA was for me a mere 4 years ago. If you’ve signed up and havent tested, use us as resource in the meantime and remember, we have over 60,000 people who have signed up so it may take a while to get picked, but it could be tomorrow! You never know. Thanks to all for your support of PTPA!