Wish You Were Here Giveaway Hop
While some of us are away at the biggest blogging conference on the planet, we thought it might be nice to host a giveaway for the rest of our readers. This is a giveaway hop hosted by MAMANYC.net and bloggerpr.net and every giveaway is valued at at least $25.00 so there’s something for everyone.
Pay attention to the details because every entry is different. I am giving away some children’s entertainment items to help you finish the summer. I have a children’s DVD, a Disney Princess pencil case and a Littlest Pet Shop creature for some lucky winner. Obviously girly and best for young children. A great start also on the back to school shopping list. Good luck!
This event runs from July 30th to August 6th. My giveaway is open to Canada and the US.

Miss R and I are trying to see what type of fort/shelter we can build in the backyard with the different permanent items we have back there and bedding.
jodi lasher
I am not doing anything fun but my kids are going to a huge amusement park in a couple days
Go out to dinner and maybe a movie
I am going to yard sales on saturday morning.
GFC follower as Amy Orvin
Amy C
We are going to go for a bike ride and then we are going out for ice cream.
Amy C
I follow you via GFC
Jennifer Barata Allen
Jennifer Barata Allen on GFC, just signed up
Jennifer Barata Allen
We are going to have a campfire in our backyard and roast marshmellows
I turn 18 this week! 🙂
Jenny Stanek
My daughter has a back to school pool party!
We’re going to a local music show and meet & greet later this week.
I follow on GFC as Coupon Boss.
All of my children will be returning from visiting family out of state!
Lisa H.
yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com
We went and got slushies today.
I follow via GFC
GFC Jennifer Ann
This week we’re going to an outdoor concert
Teresa Peschke
today was my husbands birthday so he took the day off work so we could have fun as a family. Then I made him a special dinner and we had cake. Tomorrow my daughter and I are doing crafts.
Teresa Peschke
i follow on GFC TAPEschke(at)Gmail(dot)com
I am going to the beach
we are going out to dinner friday night
already follow gfc-polly
thanks for the great giveaways
We are taking a road trip to Seattle for Seafair this week
I am going to Blogher tomorrow
Seyma Bennett Shabbir
GFC Seyma S.
Seyma Bennett Shabbir
Going to friends house for dinner on friday night
Maegan Morin
Were supposed to go to a birthday party tomorrow night! That will be fun!
Shannon Jaymesmom Gallagher
Not doing anything much this week. Still recovering from surgery so can’t do much. Following on GFC as shannon gallagher (no capital letters)
Shannon M Gallagher on RC
surveylover77 at hotmail dot com
tracy webb
dinner with family alway good for many laughs.
Ms Penny Pincher
I went to a farm this week!
PDWinner523 at gmail.com
I have fun spending time with my kids!
I follow on GFC as jsweeps318
Today is the last day of the week, and we are doing nothing exciting, but yesterday, we had a great day spent together as a family!
Tracy Awalt Juliano
Already a GFC follower: Tracy Juliano… thank you!
richelle bowers
crochet a doily
I follow you on GFC beh2351
Sunday is National Friendship Day and I am taking a good friend out to lunch.
we are have a community yard sale and im going to hit up as many as i can tomorrow!!!
i follow on GFC as sally0630
micheal dale grim
i am taking my 2 kids to a local park this weekend!!
micheal dale grim
my gfc name is dale grim
Teresa Thompson
GFC Teresa Thompson
Teresa Thompson
Attended my granddaughters 6th bday party.
We are going fishing
Paul T / Pauline T
Followed on GFC …as Paul T / Pauline T(Paul Tran…pls use emscout9 at hotmail dot com instead of gmail to contact me)
Paul T / Pauline T
i am taking my kids out to a fun day before school starts – breakfast at McD, shopping for toys, and Chuck E Cheese- – – Paul T/Pauline T aka Paul Tran….. emscout9 at Hotmail dot com
Fun for this week is shopping! 🙂
Retail Therapy Anyone!?
Myra Rzepa
this week i will be going down to the splash pad!:) its a nice water park to cool off on a hot day!
Myra Rzepa
following via GFC: Myra Rzepa
Ellen C.
I will be going into Boston for a fun day. Thanks!
sweetascandy579 at yahoo dot com
We just went to the local fair this evening. Lots of fun, lots of sickness.