Families are all shapes, sizes and colours. The content here about parenting tries to reflect the various ways that families are built in the 21st century. Whether you are a single parent by choice, a divorced mom or dad, coparenting or a family that struggled with infertility and eventually conceived via IVF, there are a few common threads. We all want the best for our children and our family, no matter how big or small. Parenting is the hardest job yet by far, but it can also be the most rewarding too. Here's what we've learned. We hope it helps on those days when you are contemplating how you can keep going.
Comforting Cranberry Walnut Pumpkin Bread Topped with Streusel
I am a huge fan of cranberry and pumpkin separately, but throwing them both together? Sure, why not? Together with walnuts they make a rich earthy kind of comfort food in this Cranberry Walnut Pumpkin Bread. Soothing and heart and earthy all at once. No other way to describe it really. The Season For This Recipe Cranberry Walnut Pumpkin Bread is the recipe you want to make for your next in person or virtual book club gathering. Perfect for Thanksgiving too of course. This time of year it definitely seems like pumpkin is in everything. Frankly, I love it. The smell of pumpkin baking in a pie, a loaf or…
103 + PRIDE Gifts and Decorations
This year, kind of got shorted as far as PRIDE is concerned. I have felt a bit sad about that for a few weeks now. June is typically a month that is synonymous with Pride gifts and Pride celebrations. Pride parades are commonplace in many major cities. But Coronavirus has made that less possible this year. I mean a few of the Pride celebrations went virtual and I love that they were that creative with their approach, but at the same time, I still want a bit more. After all celebrating diversity is a thing that I value here in my home. We are raising allies and because we love…
Two of the Best Books for Parents of Teens to Read Right Now
Why aren’t there more books for parents of teens? I mean is there a harder stage? I don’t think so. That’s why, when I found these two resources for Parents of Teens I was happy to share them with the world. I received product for consideration here. Post also contains affiliate links. The title, Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety by Dr. John Duffy snagged my attention immediately when I saw it recently from Mango Publishing. Anxiety, check. Teen daughters, check. Could this be more relevant to my kids, my life as a parenting and my current situation? What is the New Teen? The new teen is…
Try My Fun Summer Cooking Challenge Now!
Okay, so by this part of the pandemic none of us have any original ideas left to do or share, bake or make. We have been cooking and crafting and climbing the walls for months on end, right? So, what’s next? Maybe a summer cooking challenge is exactly what you need. This month, I might try one of those subscription meal delivery services again, just to change out up a bit. The kids like those and frankly sometimes I can inspire them to get involved making the meals with me. Occasionally, we also find a new favourite recipe out of the experience. They can be a bit expensive though and…
How to Turn Your Favourite Top Into a T-Shirt Pillow
This easy T-Shirt Pillow can be done with or without a full sewing machine. Post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I receive a small commission via qualifying purchases. Anyone Can Make This Project So, cards on the table. I am not the world’s best seamstress. But that said, I am completely confident using a sewing machine and have one that I love, which I inherited from my Mom. I am confident sewing things by hand too. Hemming pants and mending things manually with a needle and thread appeals to the thrifty mom in me. So a T-Shirt Pillow is no problem. It’s a pretty easy little project.…
Replace Your Vacuum – When to Upgrade
Replace your vacuum when it’s worn out. That seems simple, right? However, the big question is when is a vacuum worn out? Should even wait until it’s worn out or should you upgrade after a few years? How long do vacuum cleaners even last? A slew of questions surrounds the idea of replacing your vacuum. That’s why you’re here. You need to know when to replace your vacuum. So let’s talk about that. Post contains affiliate links as a service to my readers. I make a small commission on qualifying purchases. Vacuum Cleaner Lifespan Vacuum cleaners last for around eight years, on average. However, your mileage may vary. More than…
Parenting Through the Pandemic – Life Kicks it Up a Notch
Isn’t it crazy how life sometimes kicks it up a notch out of nowhere? Parenting through the pandemic has definitely been like that here. Week Nine went like this… Two weeks ago we were coasting along doing Tickety Boo, a phrase I once found charming and a favourite of my now deceased mother-in-law. But cute phrases aside, I was all set to write the WE ARE ROCKING Pandemic Life post. I was even contemplating having the T-Shirts custom made (not really), when out of the blue everyone broke. That’s right. Everyone broke. Everything. Week Nine of Pandemic Parenting It’s like: Oh Hey Paula, you thought you were doing great? PSYCH.…
Tasty and Easy Air Fryer Cheese Sticks
I have been wanting to make some air fryer cheese sticks forever. Love my air fryer! Any excuse to make a recipe in there is worth taking time to explore. Stay tuned for more air fryer recipes coming up soon. Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I receive a small commission off of qualifying purchases made via links. Mozzarella sticks and cheese sticks are a favourite of mine. My oldest daughter loves them too. Honestly, what’s not to love about cheese melted in a tiny handy bite-sized snack form? In fact, I used to go out of my way to find a Burger King drive through…
Our Pandemic Story Week Seven Online School
Every week of the pandemic has arrived with a new theme. Know what I mean? But, oh my God, this week was not my favourite. This is week seven of our pandemic story and online school. I was all set to write a pandemic story about how well we were doing, making the best of this social distancing/ quarantine/ lockdown situation. On the weekend, I literally said out loud: “I am so proud of all of us. We get up and get dressed every single day and we try to do something, do work, take a walk, go for a quick hike. Bake or make or create a project, food,…