Families are all shapes, sizes and colours. The content here about parenting tries to reflect the various ways that families are built in the 21st century. Whether you are a single parent by choice, a divorced mom or dad, coparenting or a family that struggled with infertility and eventually conceived via IVF, there are a few common threads. We all want the best for our children and our family, no matter how big or small. Parenting is the hardest job yet by far, but it can also be the most rewarding too. Here's what we've learned. We hope it helps on those days when you are contemplating how you can keep going.
My 2020 Christmas Gift Guide – Celebrate With Me
Happy Holidays! My 2020 Christmas Gift Guide is ready to share. I couldn’t be happier to spread some joy this year and share a few of my favourite things with you. My 2020 Christmas Gift guide contains affiliate links. At no extra fee to you, I receive a small commission off of purchases made via qualifying links. I received product and compensation in some cases for features in this guide. Well, here we are almost at Christmas and this year I am doing a few things differently. One thing I am doing is shopping slowly and in chunks to spread out the cost. We definitely have a budget to stick…
Cute Children’s Christmas Letter to Santa Writing Prompt
I think we can all easily recall that time during childhood when we believed wholeheartedly in magic and in Santa Claus. Back before pandemic was even a word in our daily vocabulary, as children we wrote at least one creative and joyful letter to Santa each year. Dear Santa Letter Writing an annual letter to Santa was something I looked forward to for weeks before Christmas. It was my chance to plant suggestions in my home, and send them directly to the North Pole. As an adult, I have enjoyed many years of creating that illusion for my kids. I kept that tradition going for years longer than it actually…
Ten Reasons Harry Potter Movies are the Best to Binge on Right Now.
By Ainsley Schuck Note from Paula: This Harry Potter movies post is by my daughter Ainsley. We have been Potterheads for years. But, during the pandemic the kids have asked to watch the Harry Potter movies from start to finish repeatedly. So, I have asked them several times why Harry Potter movies right now? Post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I may receive a small commission via qualifying purchases. Why Harry Potter Movies are Perfect to Binge on Right Now Near the start of the pandemic the kids were asking to watch Harry Potter movies so often that I finally broke down and bought the boxed set.…
Hottest Dinosaur Toys to Give as Gifts This Year
It’s no secret that the holidays are right around the corner. My kids have always been fascinated by dinosaurs and dinosaur toys always made impressive gifts for them every year. Just a Few Great Dinosaur Toys Jurassic Park was just the latest of the series of movies to get my youngest daughter reinvested in dinosaurs. She currently has dozens of dinosaur books, mostly from DK Canada. But, this season she’s asking for both Jurassic Park and Harry Potter themed Lego or books. That means dinosaurs are high priority again. A few of these are super young for little people but these Lego kits and robotics are also rewarding for older grade…
Six Netflix Series to Watch with Your Teen Now
These days we are spending so much more time in our homes that it’s inevitable at some points we resort to curling up on a sofa to watch Netflix. I have teens, so over the last seven months we have often looked at each other and said Netflix? So, we thought we’d share some recommendations for Netflix Series to Watch with Your Teen Now. Sometimes we all feel like binge watching something…and off we go often to the family room in the basement to queue up the next in a series. It’s actually something I enjoy on cold days when the weather is rainy or dreary or just not nice…
What It’s Really Like Getting a Coronavirus Test
This is our story of what it feels like getting a Coronavirus test. Here’s my disclaimer. We live in London, Ontario and we went for Covid tests the week before Labour Day when one of us showed 1-2 symptoms. Waits for testing and actual local case numbers were low then. Now, they have changed. This was our experience getting a Coronavirus test. Why Were We Getting A Coronavirus Test? Three weeks ago, my older daughter, who was just about to start university went to sleep with extreme stomach upset. After a night spent running to the bathroom, we were a little concerned. Sure, it could have been nerves at starting…
Virtual Conference Tips – How to Make the Most as an Attendee Now
Recently, I attended my first virtual travel conference. It was a whirlwind experience, and I could have used a primer, virtual conference tips, that would have helped me maximize my time while there. So, since I couldn’t find any content or tips on getting the most out of attending a virtual conference, I decided to write a post about it instead. These days, more conferences are moving online, so it’s time to adjust and get used to this. At my first ever virtual travel conference, I learned a few things that I wanted to pass on to you. With everything so up in the air, virtual conferences have become the…
Sensory Friendly Halloween Costumes for Children with Sensory Sensitivities
If you have a child with sensory sensitivities then you know how important it is to find them sensory friendly Halloween costumes. Halloween Should Be Scary, Not Scratchy Both of my girls have always had different levels of sensory sensitivities. In fact, it was the sensory reactions that first alerted us to Ainsley’s sensory processing disorder. Over time, that evolved into a couple of other diagnoses. But, the sensory processing was a huge factor for many years. It still is, even long after my daughters have outgrown trick or treating. Over a course of several Halloweens we learned a few tricks and we found many sensory friendly Halloween costumes. When…
Kindness Game – Teaching Kids How to Be Kind
“Be Kind Whenever Possible. It is Always Possible,” – Dalai Lama Kindness is my life philosophy and one of the highest aspirations for me as a parent. International Kindness Day is right around the corner. That’s why I thought it would be a great time to share this Kindness game with you. Make Kindness Fun I am not one to believe that kindness should ever be confined to a single day. Kindness, especially these days, is like sunshine, sprinkle that stuff everywhere. Now, more than ever, the world needs kindness. Sharing that philosophy with my kids and hoping they evolve into caring, kind adults, is a life’s work and a…
Easy Road Trip Travel Activity Book for Kids
Have you got a road trip travel activity book for your next road trip? All the EPIC road trips in the world cannot make up for this year. But, that said, I am thrilled to be able to take even small adventures close to home these days. Right now, t’s all about the road trips. If you are road tripping with teens or kids any time soon, then this travel activity book may come in handy. This travel activity book post contains affiliate links as a service to my readers. Purchases made via qualifying links equal a small commission for me. The Art of the Road Trip with Kids Road…