Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs – 3D review
I’d been promising my daughters a trip to the movies again, so we chose Cloudy With a Chance Of Meatballs after seeing the preview for it several months ago. The movie, based loosely on the 1978 book by Judi and Ron Barrett was an odd choice for adaptation but a charming unoffensive little flick. We’ve read this story several times in my house and I can tell you I was puzzled at first in the same way I was when I heard that there would be a movie version of The Cat in The Hat, wondering how on earth someone could create a script out of the book. There was little to get excited about here and even though we enjoyed it I found my Mommy mind wandering more than once and questioning the very thin plot. This is the story of a boy inventor, named Flint Lockwood who dreams of inventing the next big thing and somehow can’t make anything that works. The movie is PG and really there is nothing at all offensive or violent about the flick. It didn’t really even phase my sensitive five-year-old. Some cute moments are provided by Flint’s sidekick a talking monkey, and a very funny cast of characters. A weather girl, voiced by Anna Faris, is the topic of the central theme of the movie really – be who you are and be comfortable in your own skin, a message all parents hope their children get in life. Eventually Flint makes a great device that turns water into food, a novelty as his home town is dull and lacks food variety. The device is launched into space and havock ensues as food rains from the sky.
Thriftymommastips review $$ 1/2 out of $$$$$. Cute and fun but thin on the plot side.

One Comment
Good to know. I hate it when kids movies are violent or “filthy”.
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