Cooking With Kids – Birthday Rainbow Cake
Hey there lovely readers. Recently my darling niece had a first birthday party and she happened to visit her favorite aunt for the occasion. So we used it as a great time to try out one of the amazing kid friendly birthday cake recipes I found on Pinterest. Rainbow Birthday Cake. It is super easy and fun.
This is the link to the pin of the original that gave me the idea. It didn’t look exactly as in the pin, but here you go.
So take your basic cake mix and mix it up. I used Betty Crocker, then divide batter into three or four bowls. Using food colouring that is predetermined by kids then colour each bowl a different hue. Pour one in at a time. When it bakes the inside looks like a rainbow. Layered and lovely.
Petro Neagu
Hi Paula,
Happy Birthday to your sweet niece!
Petro Neagu
Hi Paula,
May I ask how you’ve managed to insert the “Ad your link” gadget into the post? I’d like to do the same on my blog but I still couldn’t figure it out, other than display it on the bottom of my home page.
Thanks a million
Bonnie Way
That rainbow cake sounds like fun, though I’m not a huge fan of food colouring. My daughter also likes helping in the kitchen (and anything colourful) so I might have to try this idea with her. 🙂 ~SASS
Debi@The Spring Mount 6 Pack
The cake looks great. I entered my link in your linky. I love food link ups. Stopping by with SASS (host) Remember to Come by again.
I have done a number of rainbow cakes with the boys – and they are always a hit with the kids
Love the way the cake looks, your niece would have loved it!
Josh Gilbert
If you want to protect your child from several harmful chemicals, such as gluten that is often considered to be harmful for health, you must try to confirm that the birthday cake you are going to order for your kid’s birthday is gluten free.