Five Reasons Why #ABHC4IVF #ABPOLI Makes Sense
There are so many reasons why government should support families and work towards building healthy families. I wanted to take this post to note five reasons why public funding for in vitro fertilization makes sense for the province of Alberta. Right now in Canada the only province that pays for in vitro fertilization is Quebec. The WHO, clearly states that infertility is a health issue, so in Canada where health care is entrenched in our national narrative as a defining characteristic that sets us above other countries, not funding IVF (Three rounds Single embryo transfer) when it is the recommended medically prescribed course of action for some couples, is a big oversight. In Alberta and in several other provinces the cost of IVF can be devastating financially for couples.
It’s time for Alberta and Ontario, and several other provinces to take a look at funding IVF.
Five Reasons Alberta should Pay for IVF
1. PEOPLE: – (Watch the Youtube video above) Because of the families built and the human reasons first and foremost.
2. ECONOMICS: – When you contemplate economics and realize that healthy families and children drive the economy for years down the road, each province needs to invest in the future. This is good planning.
3. HEALTH CARE: – Government funding for IVF saves health care dollars. It costs families so much privately to pay for IVF that they often transfer multiple embryos in an effort to maximize their chances. What people don’t realize is that this practice often carries extra health care risk for the babies and the mother’s health. While twins and triplets are adorable they carry a greater lifetime cost in health care needs. In fact funding IVF saves millions in one year alone.
4. WORLD CLASS REPUTATION: – This is a chance for Alberta to be world leader in health care for infertile individuals and couples.
5. PARTNERSHIPS: – Government officials, MPPS (Ontario) and MLAs (Alberta) are fond of saying – everyone needs to do more with less and private companies and industries need to help partner with government to share the burden. Well, in Alberta, an amazing organization called Generations of Hope Fertility Assistance Fund has stepped up to help people for whom money is the only thing standing between them and a family. Generations of Hope was conceived of in 2005 as an initiative of the Calgary Regional Fertility program. They are leaders in Canada in the field of helping couples conceive.
If you agree with these reasons and believe there should be funding for IVF, then click through to Generations of Hope and sign the petition. Leave a comment here telling me if you agree or want to add anything to this debate.
I am community manager for Generations of Hope social media channels. I strongly believe in everything I have written about infertility and the many reasons to help build healthy families. My opinion is 100 % honest and all mine.
Jennifer Van Huss
I agree 100% with what you mentioned above! Too many times people try to make money off other peoples pain!
Paula Schuck
Jennifer: thanks for the comment. Nobody should make people’s health issues just about money. This is a human issue too.
Jaime Nicole
That’s a great point about the increased costs of twins/triplets!
Paula Schuck
Thanks. And when maternal health is compromised also that costs health care money. It’s unnecessary.
Mama Nibbles
I know how IVF has helped out a lot of friends who wouldn’t have been able to conceive. I’ll be signing the petition!
Definitely makes sense!
Paula Schuck
Thanks for the comment.
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos
Makes total sense, in all aspects. As a whole picture or each individual benefit, I support 100%!
Paula Schuck
Thanks Tammi! Your support means a lot.
I completely agree, and you bring up a great point about multiple children and IVF there is so much risk involve and health problems.
I’m not Canadian, so I had no idea this wasn’t a procedure already covered. It doesn’t make sense that it isn’t. It is a major medical issue that many people face, and for many it is the only way they can have families. If so many other things are covered, I don’t see why this one isn’t. Especially with what you said about it being the recommended medically prescribed course of action for so many couples.
Paula Schuck
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Public funding makes sense. You are right.
learning patience having hope
Great stuff!! Loved and shared this post! Let’s keep fighting for the right thing!
While generation of hope is doing an awesome job helping family that knows about their funding,question remains how many family knows about the help?or many could they possibly help. Our Government should please do something.