If Laundry Makes You Cringe, Try This Triple Chamber Challenge #AHFreshPerspective
Someone asked me recently what I liked about laundry. I didn’t need to think hard about that because honestly there’s nothing I like about laundry. Nothing at all. Unless someone else does the laundry. Then I love it. I also love it when my clothes are clean and put away and ready to wear.
Laundry is expensive and seemingly endless at times. Thank Goodness I have helpers. My husband and daughters help out. In fact my husband does three quarters of the laundry here. I do three quarters of the cooking so that’s fair. And my teens mostly help with the folding parts. It makes sense because they make some of the biggest stains around still.
This past month we had a lot of travel. In fact so far 2017 has been filled with travel opportunities. Travel leads to wonderful memories and experiences and also loads of laundry when you return. It’s all good though because this month we’ve been using the New Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks.
The New Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks are the only detergent boosted with OxiClean superior stain fighting power of OxiClean and the freshness of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. That’s triple level amazing cleaning power.
Around here the volume of laundry is a big deal. But so too are the stains that happen. For instance, recently, I nearly destroyed one of my favourite long sleeve tops. It’s black, well loved, and fading, but it makes me happy because it says Peace, Love and Tweets. So I was pretty mad at myself the day I was deboning a whole cooked chicken and the chicken fat splashed on my favourite shirt. It went right through the top and splattered in several places.
I tried numerous cleaning ideas, including toothpaste, and then put it in the wash. The stain didn’t come out. That was before we started the Triple Chamber Challenge here. But I couldn’t give up on my shirt so I kept it and figured I’d keep trying. Then we started using New Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks. Second time was the charm and the triple chamber challenge worked for heavy duty chicken fat stains. That’s impressive.
People who think that teenagers should be over the stain making stage haven’t met many teens in my opinion. My older daughter’s khaki uniform pants almost always land in the laundry with mud stains near the hem of the pants. Why? Because she walks home from school and occasionally her friends surprise hip check her. Their silliness sometimes leads to grass, mud, and food stains on uniforms. Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks take care of that.
There are a lot of laundry challenges that are specifically teenage girl related. For instance, teens cook and babysit and also use makeup. Each one of these activities, and routines can create stains. In our house the triple chamber challenge has been going on for a few weeks. Happy to report that these power paks remove heavy duty stains, from food, to blood and lipstick too.
Oh and did you know that New Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks cost just .19 cents a load versus .35 cents for many other leading brands? I have to pay attention to products that save money, because kids are expensive. Their cold water formula makes me even happier because washing in cold saves money and energy.
One of the things I like best about the Arm & Hammer products is that there’s no heavy scent. So clothes come clean, whites get white, and I don’t have a heavy scent on my towels and workout clothing. That’s important to me. One child is super sensitive to scent and she tolerates this detergent really well.
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Take the Arm & Hammer Triple Chamber Challenge:
Change your perspective on laundry forever. Visit a local Loblaws store to try new Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks. After you try them, share your perspective on twitter using #AHFreshPerspective.
You can also like Arm & Hammer Canada on Facebook for news and updates.
[tweetthis]Enter now for a chance to win one year’s worth of Arm & Hammer laundry detergent #giveaways #AHFreshPerspective [/tweetthis]
ENTER the Arm & Hammer Triple Chamber Challenge ONE YEAR OF Laundry Power Paks Contest:
One of my Canadian readers is going to win one year’s worth of Arm & Hammer detergent. That’s super useful!
Follow the rules below for a chance to win! Good Luck! Have you already tried New Arm & Hammer Plus OxiClean 3-IN-1 Power Paks? If so, tell me how they worked. What’s your biggest stain issue?
This post was sponsored by Arm & Hammer Canada and as such I have been compensated. My opinion is all my own and it is also truthful.

My biggest laundry challenge is hubby’s red wine and grease stains (he really should wear a bib…lol)
LOL – well good luck with that and good luck with the contest too!! Thanks for commenting and for entering too.
Judy Cowan
Biggest laundry is keeping hubby’s work shirt looking bright & white.
Florence Cochrane
Mt biggest laundry challenge is getting out grease stains.
My biggest laundry challenge is having five kids with number six arriving soon! A year of laundry soap would be amazing!
Gillian Morgan
My biggest problem is grass, mud and ketchup stains.
Amy Heffernan
Baby food stains! 🙁
ivy pluchinsky
My biggest laundry challenge is getting out the tough stains like grass, wine and grease!
Ashleigh Swerdfeger
Washing laundry for 6 people, especially grease stains.
Erin W
I still struggle with food stains on my daughter clothes! Usually some sort of tomato base.
Martin Keating
separating colors
Dawn gordon
My biggest laundry concern is shrinking so I wash in cold to prevent and hang dry mostly which means I need a good cleaner for cold with fabric softener so when hung dry they don’t get stiff
My biggest challenge is the sheer amount of laundry. Between my older boys changing clothes every chance they get to the younger ones being so messy, the laundry pile seems to be ever-growing!
Coffee stains are my biggest challenge
Elaine G
My biggest laundry challenge is grease stains.
Wayne Lecoy
It would be terrific to win
a one year supply of Arm & Hammer LAUNDRY Detergent.
In response to your question of
What is your biggest laundry challenge?
My biggest laundry challenge is food stains.
Thank you for having this contest.
I have been using the towel trick a lot lately. Always in a rush! This certainly would be a great prize to win
I cannot stand the smell that our towels have taken on. Cannot figure out if it is due to liquid detergents, front loaders vs my old top …. but it is about the time I started using both that they are musty smelling. And I remove them immediately when the wash is done and the washer door never stays closed when not in use for air circulation.
My biggest laundry challenge is sweat stains
My biggest laundry challenge is my hubby’s dirty biking clothes!
christine w
My biggest laundry challenge is grease stains from food I drop on my clothes 🙁
My biggest laundry challenge is my sons soccer mud stains
Karla Sceviour
My biggest laundry challenge is getting the socks white!!
Convincing my babysitter to not mix lights and darks when she does a wash for me.
My biggest laundry challenge is my husband’s hockey gear (and workout clothes in general)!
My biggest laundry challenge is having three kids and grease from work.
Bruke B
My hardest stains to remove are soya sauce from my son’s white shirts.
Tara Betterley
My biggest laundry challenge is trying to get baking grease and red wine out of the clothes.
Amy C
My biggest challenge is getting grass stains out of my kids clothes followed closely by trying to get food stains out.
MIchelle Policelli
My biggest challenge is getting out food stains and grease stains!
Michelle W
My biggest laundry challenge is greasy food stains!
Rosanne Robinson
My biggest laundry challenge is getting our towels fluffy and some of the colours fading.
Carol M
Red wine stain
Elizabeth Matthiesen
My biggest challenge is keeping whites and coloureds bright and sparkling.
My biggest laundry challenge are grass and dirt stains.
My biggest laundry challenge is sweaty gym clothing
Diana Powell
My biggest challenge is getting food and oil stains out of my clothes . I’m such a messy eater . LOL
Getting tough stains out is a big challenge
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping my whites white.
Victoria Ess
Thursday Throwback.
laundry challenge is odors
Charity Banman
My biggest laundry challenge is getting stains out of my kids clothes
Robyn Bellefleur
Since I cook bacon a lot, I would say grease is my biggest laundry challenge.
Robyn Bellefleur
Thursday secret word: Throwback.
Jenness M
My red wines stains and grass stains on the kids sports uniforms,
Juliee Fitze
My biggest challenge is keeping my whites from looking dingy.
lori butler
mine is keeping my hubby away from my clothes lol
Judy Cowan
Biggest challenge is definitely keeping my hubby’s work shirts looking white.
Putting it away! That’s where I fail.
It’s a tie between folding & putting it away
My biggest challenge is removing grass and grease stains!
Krista M
My biggest laundry challenge is spaghetti & mustard stains on my son’s clothes!
My biggest laundry challenge is getting oil stains off clothing.
My biggest laundry challenge has to be sweat stains!
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping whites white.
My biggest laundry challenge is all the food stains that my 4 kids get on their clothing.
Carolle H
My biggest challenge is grease stains
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I think that it’s keeping whites and coloureds bright and sparkling. With all my children having left the nest there aren’t many stains these days. 🙂
My biggest laundry challenge is grass stains.
Judy Cowan
Keeping whites looking white!
A very big laundry challenge is grease
My biggest laundry challenge is the pants my husband wears when weeding the gardens, the grass stains on the knees drive me crazy
Carol M
Food stains
Putting them all away is my biggest challenge.
Rhonda W G.
My husbands work clothes can be quite the challenge. They are of often filthy and son’t smell so great.
Tina L.
My biggest challenge is grease stains
04/15: WOOT!
Getting grass stains out of my hubby’s and kids’ jeans.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
My biggest problem is keeping the colours nice and bright.
Florence Cochrane
Wine stains are tough to get out.
My laundry challenge is sweaty clothing
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry problem is keeping my white clothes white.
Carol M
Various stains
Ink stains are a laundry challenge for me.
My laundry challenge is the smell in towels
Sunshine G
My laundry challenge is the volume – it’s neverending!
Judy Cowan
Biggest challenge is hubby’s white work shirts, hard to keep them look bright white.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
For me it’s always how to keep colours vibrant and the whites sparkling 🙂
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping my whites bright!
My biggest laundry challenge is cleaning sweaty gym clothing
Erica Seaman
My biggest challenge is the stains on the fronts of my family’s shirts….we’re such messy eaters.
Florence Cochrane
Another big challenge is getting out the mud and dirt stains from hubbies work clothes.
Carol m
Food stains are common.
lori butler
grass stains really suck
Judy Cowan
Biggest challenge is definitely keeping hubby’s white work shirts looking good.
I find keeping whites white to be a challenge
Melinda Jana
biggest challenge is all the grease stains that never comes out of BF’s shirts. drives me crazy
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Keeping the colours bright, I have 2 yellow towels and one is much paler in colour now, obviously been washed more than the other grrr! 🙁
Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard
biggest challenge is my hubby’s work shirts
Carole D.
My biggest laundry challenge is grease stains.
Dianne G.
My biggest laundry challenge I have is clothes that go in the wash that I have not noticed stains on and then they will not come out. It is usually food stains like ketchup, mustard or bbq sauce.
My biggest laundry challenge is food stains ! Nothing worse then seeing were you spilled on your shirt after its been cleaned
My biggest one is getting it all put away. I need a robot.
hubby makes a mess of his shirts (does he need a bib?)
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is getting out stains out of my whites!
My biggest challenge is to really clean sweaty gym clothing
lori butler
grease stains really bite to get out
Florence Cochrane
Those grease splatters from cooking.
I find perspiration stains very tough
Carol M
Tea stains
Judy Cowan
Definitely keeping hubby’s white work shirts bright & white, and nasty grease stains.
My laundry challenge is cleaning sweaty gym clothing
Victoria Ess
I struggle with keeping my whites white.
Carol M
Grease stains
Brenda Penton
My biggest challenge is greasy spots
Elizabeth Matthiesen
My biggest challenge is to keep colours bright, I’m still after many many years searching for a solution. 🙁
Dianne G.
Grease stains are a challenge.
Judy Cowan
Hubby has to wear white work shirts so they are always a challenge to keep looking great.
my biggest laundry challenge is removing stains
Mine is putting it away.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
With me it’s always about keeping the colours vibrant.
My biggest laundry challenge is cleaning (really cleaning) dirty gym clothing
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping my whites white!
lori butler
grass stains are terrible
Carol M
Grease stains are one
Florence Cochrane
Grass stains are the hardest to get out.
i find sweat stains challenging.
Patrick Siu
My biggest laundry challenge is oil stains
Debbie S.
My biggest laundry challenge is motor oil and diesel fuel and whatever else that is on my husbands work clothes.
heidi c.
Having way too much of it!
Carey Hurst
I hand wash everything so the wringing out the hoodies, jeans, towels, blankets etc is the worst .
Judy Cowan
Biggest challenge is keeping hubby’s work shirt white & bright!
Dianne g.
Spaghetti Sauce is always a tough stain.
Biggest laundry challenge is the different food stains my kids leave on their clothes.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
My biggest problem is keeping the colours bright and vibrant.
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping my whites white!!
My biggest laundry challenge is cleaning stinky gym clothing
Florence Cochrane
My biggest laundry challenge is grease stains.
My biggest laundry challenge is getting rid of tough stains, grease stains
Carol M
Red wine stains are a challenge.
Judy Cowan
Keeping white items bright and white is a big challenge.
My biggest challenge is having SO MUCH laundry now that we have a newborn.
There are always lots of stains with a 9 year old – food, markers, paint…
biggest laundry challenge? sweat stains.
Sarah Smart
My biggest challenge is dirty sweaty workout clothes ! Those are the WORST!!!! Yikes!
Dianne G.
Mustard stains are always a challenge to get out.
Too many stains from food, little ones are always spilling things
Jeanette Jackson
My biggest challenge is getting pasta sauce stains out
Jeanette Jackson
My biggest challenge is getting pasta sauce stains out
Debbie S.
Diesel fuel are grease and motor oil are my biggest laundry challenges.
Cleaning sweaty gym clothing well is my biggest challenge
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping my white clothes white.
Carol M
Grease stains are a big challenge.
lori butler
my biggest challenge is pet hair on the clothes in the dryer, what a mess
Linda sVarovsky
Hot sauce stains
Julia Maycock
Dirt and grass stains
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Same problem as always, keeping colours vibrant. 🙂
Florence Cochrane
Tea stains are really difficult to get out.
Patrick Siu
Forgetting to remove thing in my pants pocket before putting in the washing machine
My biggest laundry challenge would be grease stains
Staying on top of it all!
Food stains that my little ones make
Dianne G.
Towels that get put in the hamper damp are a laundry challenge because they smell bad.
Judy Cowan
Definitely keeping hubby’s white work shirts looking their best is my challenge.
Judy Cowan
Definitely keeping hubby’s white work shirts looking their best is my challenge, especially when they get stains on them.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I did read somewhere that adding vinegar keeps colours bright and vibrant, anyone tried this?
Debbie S.
My biggest laundry woes are automotive grease and oil.
Really cleaning stinky gym clothing is my chellenge
lori butler
i would have to say grease stains
Carol M
Grease stains are one of the biggest challenges.
Judy Cowan
White work shirt are my biggest challenge.
My hubby’s jeans are a pain when he has ground dirt and oil into them.
Sab Edwards
My biggest laundry challenge is actually having enough laundry to do a load, esp when I need clean work clothes!!! Both kids are gone and its only hubby and I and I have actually bought MORE work clothes so that when I do finally do a load, its big enough!!
a big laundry challenge for me is the smell in towels.
My challenge is to put it all away.
Dianne G.
Beet juice is a real laundry challenge.
My biggest laundry challenge is REALLY cleaning smelly old gym clothes
Victoria Sit
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping everyone’s white clothes white!
hubby staining his clothes with food and wine is my biggest challenge
Carol M
Grease stains can be a great challenge.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I just want to keep the colours as vibrant as the day the clothes were bought and I don’t have a solution as yet. 🙁
My biggest challenge is getting grease out.
Judy Cowan
White Work Shirts give me the biggest challenge and grease stains.
Linda Bragg
My biggest laundry challenge is getting the grease stains out of his jeans as he delivers car parts to garages and has to lift and carry them to the car…so he gets dirty car part stains on his clothes..
ivy pluchinsky
Getting grass stains out is my biggest challenge.
Removing stains
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping whites white
Dianne G.
Grass stains are always a laundry challenge.
Rebecca Roberts
Grease stains are my biggest challenge!
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I just would love to keep all the colours of my clothes as vibrant as the day they were brought home.
My biggest challenge it to get it all put away.
Stinky gym clothing is my biggest challenge
Victoria Ess
My biggest challenge is making sure my whites stay white.
lori butler
other than the infamous sock monster, i also would say keeping my whites nice and white
Christine Murray
Food grease. I have three children and while I put napkins on the table they always seem to use the clothing as napkins.
Carol M
Grease stains are one of many challenges.
Dianne G.
Keeping white clothes white and bright is a laundry challenge.
biggest laundry challenge is keeping whites white
Judy Cowan
Keeping whites – white is my big challenge
Jacky Y
My white clothes have a hard time getting cleaned!
ivy pluchinsky
Grease from food is hard to get rid of sometimes.
Debbie S.
My biggest laundry challenge is my husbands work clothes.
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping our white clothes bright white.
Really cleaning dirty gym clothing is my challenge
Carol m
Wine stains can be a real challenge.
lori butler
keeping my colors the brightest and the ‘sock monster’
Elizabeth Matthiesen
How to stop colours from fading or getting duller, tips welcome. 🙂
Judy Cowan
Keeping white looking bright and not dull since hubby has to wear white workshirts.
One of my biggest laundry challenge is the smell in towels
Oh YES Jan! The newer washers sometimes make that hard to get rid of too.
Dianne G.
Grease on clothes is a laundry challenge.
My hubby deciding to “help out” with the laundry.
Josh S
The biggest laundry challenge is stains that don’t go away very easily.
My biggest laundry challenge is the food stains !
Valerie Mallette
My biggest laundry challenge are food stains like oil and ketchup stains.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
For me it’s all about the colours staying as bright and cheerful as they once were.
Debbie S.
My biggest laundry challenge is oil and deisel, automotive grease. yuck
Really cleaning stinky gym clothing is my challenge
Carol m
Grass stains are a challenge
Putting it away is my biggest challenge.
biggest laundry challenge is the musty smell in towels.
Judy Cowan
White Work Shirts! My laundry pain!
Dianne G.
Mud on the bottom of my hubby’s pants due to working outside are a laundry challenge.
Amber Y
My biggest challenge is getting out stains and keeping on top of folding everything.
Jeanette Jackson
My biggest laundry challenge is food stains on white t-shirts
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is getting stains out of my whites
ivy pluchinsky
My biggest laundry challenge is getting the socks clean
Yuen C
My biggest laundry challenge is taking tough stains out.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
I’m still looking for the solution to keeping colours vibrant. 🙁
Cleaning stinky gym clothing fully is my challenge
lori butler
I hate grass stains they are terrible
Victoria Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is getting stains out of my whites!
Carol m
Grass stains
Putting it all away.
Dianne G.
Gravy stains are a laundry challenge.
Judy Cowan
White work shirt – my laundry challenge!
A big laundry challenge is keeping the basket empty
Rhonda W G.
I love sushi and soy sauce can be tricky …It ends up on my top ususally…lol.
Getting my family to separate their clothes!
ivy pluchinsky
my biggest laundry challenge is trying to get out red wine stains
Wanda Tracey
My biggest laundry challenge is getting out dirt,grass and grease stains.They are my laundry nightmares.
Elizabeth Matthiesen
Nothing’s changed, I’d still like to know how to keep colours vibrant.
My biggest laundry challenge is dirty gym clothing!
VictoriA Ess
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping my whites white!!!!
Carol m
Grease stains are the number one challenge.
Usually challenging stains, like wine, dirt and food stains.
My biggest laundry challenge is keeping the musty smell out of wet items