goal setting

On Goal Setting and Making Magic Happen

As a writer and a business person I have always been invested in goal setting as a means of keeping myself accountable and moving forward. For me, this works. The year that I levelled up my freelance writing and carved out more time for pitches and bylines, I made good on those goals.

Here’s how.

Over the course of a career I have at times been employed on staff at magazines and newspapers. As a staff writer sometimes, the goals were obvious: get the gig as a columnist. (Which I did for a bit as a business writing columnist.) Or get the job as a beat reporter on the court beat. Later as a freelancer, it was about the magazines that I sought to be published in. For instance, a byline in a major Canadian magazine right after starting a family. That magazine byline was a goal I set for myself and never once stated out loud, but I believed it.

Believe it. Take the steps to get there. Do the work and if you are struggling then find a mentor or an accountability partner to help with goal setting.

Define Goals

Define the goals and then articulate the path to getting there. You don’t necessarily need to share the goals with the world, unless you want to, but you should identify them and write them down. For me, this is the trick. Say it, state it, find a way forward confidently and with purpose. Some people might call that manifesting. Doesn’t really matter what term you choose as long as you stick to the plan and make it happen.

Goal Setting as a Path to Self Improvement

This goal setting worksheet will help you get started, some sure to follow the instructions and download now.

Just click on the link below and print it out. It is a clean link and easy to print. Sometimes writing things down helps too.

Goal Setting Worksheet located below.

Ask yourself what’s important to you this year? Is it more bylines in a wider variety of outlets? Maybe it’s getting a full time job or perhaps it is getting fit? There are several useful fitness trackers and 30 Day Challenges here if you are of that mind.

Here’s an example of my own: the year I told myself I will get published in the Globe and Mail and Today’s Parent, I did it out of sheer determination. Why and how? Well, by putting that out into the world I began to manifest it and move forward with intention.

Sometimes Things Evolve and Goals Change

How are you goal setting this year and what are your goals?

Sometimes goals evolve and that’s okay too. Life isn’t black and white. Recalibrate as circumstances change. Hitting targets faster than you intended? Maybe it is time to build new ones.

Mom of two beautiful active girls, traveller, fitness junkie, social media consultant, and keeper of the sanity.