Petition Challenge – Get 6 signatures #abhc4ivf #abpoli
I signed from Chris Monette on Vimeo.
So, this is your chance Alberta. This petition needs to be signed by as many people as possible before we can show the government of Alberta how incredibly urgent and emotional this issue is. So, I am challenging each one of my Alberta followers to get six signatures, advertise the petition on twitter, or Facebook, or write a post about it. Do whatever you can to help. We aren’t asking the world. Just six little signatures from each Alberta reader. Come back here and leave a comment if you wish. This is such an important cause to me and to so many others. In Alberta one in six people struggle with infertility. Many cannot access treatment or support or help, despite the fact that this is a well recognized complex health issue as noted by the WHO (World Health Organization). This is a post I wrote about the many reasons why public funding for in vitro fertilization makes sense for the province of Alberta.
This is the link to print out the Generations of Hope 1 in 6 petition: Click on the landing page to download the petition. Easy. Peasy. Help us build healthy families for the future of Alberta.
Please join our debate on twitter at: http://www.twitter.com/gensofhope . We are sharing our messages and blog posts with this hashtag #abhc4ivf #abpoli.
and on Facebook you can like us and find out more about events and news items that are relevant to this issue. https://www.facebook.com/generationsofhope/
We pin here too: http://www.pinterest.com/gensofhopeab
I am community manager for a great group of people in Alberta called Generations of Hope. I am compensated as a valued member of their blog team. This is a cause I back 100 % and believe in. My opinion is all my own. This is the right thing to do.

I could not imagine the battle so many endure on the way to parenthood. I am so happy more are speaking out in your area and joining together on this cause
As someone who struggled with infertility, I applaud you for supporting this cause! Infertility is extremely emotional and affects more people than you realize.
Great post – thank you for sharing… I know many people who have struggled and it is so hard to watch, I can’t imagine going through it…
As a bio Mom and adoptive Mom- I feel doubly blessed–I can’t imagine not being parent