Fun Printable Christmas Activities to Do Now
Christmas activities this year will be super important to everyone. So many of us will be sticking close to home with our families. Globally. That seems to be a common theme and a reality right now again in the middle of the second wave of this pandemic. So, again, if you are looking for ways to spend your time safe while social distancing or while home for the holidays, I have got you covered. Life, this year, has been a crazy roller coaster ride. There have been some tremendously challenging moments. By now, many of us are well used to the ups and downs and many of us have also…
Pom Pom Wow! – For the Tween or Teen Girl on Your List #TMMGG16
Are you shopping to please a crafty teen or tween girl this holiday? Then I have the perfect gift for you. Pom Pom Wow is a quirky, fun, craft kit with potential for hours of enjoyment. I should know – my girls have been decorating everything with Pom Pom Wow! since the kits arrived here a couple of weeks ago. Who doesn’t like Pom Poms? Pom Pom Wow! has numerous different kits and accessory bundles. We received several to try out. My daughter Ainsley, 12, got her hands on the Pom Pom Wow! Decoration Station one night after school. Now, I will warn you immediately this one can be a…
Easy DIY Brown Sugar Scrub Cubes for Giving
Looking for a personal, easy and cost effective gift to give someone who needs and deserves to be pampered? Then you need to see this easy to make DIY Brown Sugar Scrub Cubes recipe. These are fun to make, especially if you have kids who enjoy helping and love to give handmade gifts. Easy to Make These brown sugar scrub cubes involve just a few simple ingredients and frankly most of them are probably already either in your pantry or in your medicine cabinet. Teens and tweens will enjoy this hands on craft. Luxurious DIY Brown Sugar Scrub Cubes: These are easy to prepare and might even provide…
25 Must Have Puzzles
Are you a puzzle fan? We are too. My one daughter and husband love to do puzzles. 25 Must Have Puzzles My youngest daughter is a puzzle fanatic. From the time she was a toddler we would gift her puzzles and she would effortlessly put them together. It was a captivating thing to witness. My youngest child has special needs. She was born with sensory processing disorder and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and she struggles with a lot of things. Reading came slowly, but she gradually caught up. She ran almost before she walked and she still has a lot of sensory issues related to the prenatal alcohol exposure. I…