Eat Healthier Using Natural Sugar Substitutes Now
Are you striving to eat healthier? Natural sugar substitutes could help you refine your diet. Healthy eating tips frequently suggest cutting back on processed and refined foods and reducing or eliminating sugar or sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners from diets. No big news there. With so many foods showing high fructose corn syrup on the labels–even foods one might not expect to contain sugar or a substitute like canned tomatoes or green beans—North Americans are more accustomed to the taste of sweet than probably any other flavour. Sugar, in moderation, isn’t unhealthy for most people. The problem comes with the ‘in moderation’ part. If wanting to eat less sugar and…
How to Reduce Sodium in Your Diet Now
For years I have been living on, and enjoying, a restricted sodium diet. Those of you who have been reading Thrifty Mommas Tips for years now know that I have a history of high blood pressure. I avoid hidden sodium and never add salt to food, which was a huge shift for me. I loved salt. However, I really don’t miss it. It’s possible to reduce sodium now to create better health outcome. Sodium can cause your body to retain excess water, which can put extra strain on your heart and increase your blood pressure. Many foods we eat that are high in sodium are also high in fat, such…
Holiday Snacking the Healthy Way with Slammers Giveaway
Holiday snacking is something everyone does. I don’t know about you, but I am stupid busy right now which means my time to prepare nutritious meals and snacks has vanished entirely. The good news though is that healthy snacking doesn’t have to be hard. I’ve found a snack that is perfect for travel, and for busy days running around during the holiday season. Slammers are my go to favourite right now. They are marketed for kids and they are great for in school lunches. But they are also amazing for road trips and holiday travel. This month we received a shipment of Slammers. Laugh it up all you want. I…
Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breasts #BornOnTheFarm
Healthy living is a constant process. We exercise and are a very active family. We strive to improve as often as possible. But, like everyone, we falter. It’s super simple to reach for takeout on a night when we are frazzled and running. Meal planning goes out the door when we are racing from activity to activity and working at night too. So, what is a busy family to do to help build healthy meal options weekly? Well, here are a few thoughts. I hope they help. Four Ways To Build Healthier Family Meals: USE YOUR WEEKEND – Do a Few Simple Things to Prepare for the week ahead. Brown some…
25 Healthy Homemade Granola Recipes
I am not a crunchy granola Mom, but I do like to have options. And I really love having different healthy homemade breakfast and lunch recipes available to my family. Each of the members of my family love granola. So, I occasionally try to add it to their meals, or create something new for them with this great ingredient. These are 25 of my favourite healthy homemade granola recipes. The top of this list os Peanut Butter Granola from Bunny’s Warm Oven. My youngest daughter is the world’s biggest peanut butter fan. Combining peanut butter and granola will make her ridiculously happy. These two are bound to be huge hits…
Fresh Family Meals From Chef’s Plate
There’s no Mom, or Dad for that matter, who isn’t familiar with the dinner hour panic that goes a little something like this. Work all day, busy putting out fires, then suddenly you look at the clock and realize it’s 4:30 or 5 p.m. and you didn’t plan dinner. You didn’t thaw any meat or protein and you have nothing planned. Around here that’s a regular kind of feeling and it’s not much fun. So when Chef’s Plate contacted me with some fresh family meal ideas delivered straight to my home I was excited to check the service out. There are multiple reasons I loved Chef’s Plate and am thinking about…
Philips Viva Collection Digital Airfryer
The Viva Collection Digital Airfryer from Philips is taking frying to a new level. With this healthy alternative to traditional frying, my family can enjoy the crispy deliciousness of fried food without all the health concerns that go with all the oil associated with frying. Viva Collection Digital Airfryer – Healthy and Tasty Here’s how air fryers work. Instead of dipping our food in a vat of super hot, boiling oil, air fryers use circulating heated air to give that fried texture and taste without all the health impacts that go with submerging our food in oil – namely heart disease, arterial blockages, and the like. You can also use this machine…
The Best Peach Recipes For Summer
Is there anything sweeter than a peach? Yes there is – a great peach recipe. I think you might find some sweet and really creative peach recipes for summer here. I am so making the Olive Garden Peach Tea Copycat recipe the first chance I get. By the way did you know? [tweetthis]DYK the peach tree originated in China? [/tweetthis] Five Facts About Peaches: 1. The peach tree originated in China. 2. The peach tree is deciduous. [tweetthis]Is a peach tree deciduous or coniferous? Read more about peaches here..[/tweetthis] 3. Peaches and nectarines are the same species. Peaches have fuzz on their skin and nectarines do not. Nectarines are considered to…
Boost Your Metabolism in 4 Easy Steps
Everyone wants to lose weight and feel healthier. There are many ways to do that, but all roads start with knowing how to boost your metabolism. It’s easier than you think. All you need to do is change a few things, and you’ll be able to boost your metabolism for better health and better weight. 4 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism The problem that a lot of us have with losing and maintaining our weight is a sluggish metabolism. Once I hit 40 my metabolism hit a wall. It’s even harder now to maintain and lose weight. Plus there’s all that other awesome stuff that appears when hit 40 (like…
Kid Approved Chicken Udon Noodles – Cooking With Kids
Chicken Udon Noodles to the rescue! As my children get older, time is even more precious and demands on time are somehow even greater than ever before. But eating meals together is still important. Sometimes as a family we battle finicky appetites and hormones. That can be challenging. Very honestly, I can tell you that my tween and teen were so much less picky when they were small. As toddlers they ate everything I gave them. I never ever heard: “What’s for dinner?” or “Can I just make myself a sandwich instead?” So cooking can be more challenging than ever. It’s deflating when someone comes to dinner and turns…