Spectacular Email Fails – Seven Reasons I Ignored You Today
Spectacular Email Fails are my new specialty. Why? Because so many people send them to me. There are many reasons people and businesses fail at this basic task, and one of them right now is automation. Automation can be great when things work and you actually invest in a product that does this well. But sadly, I have not seen a single automated email or outreach product this year that has worked properly. SO STOP buying. Email marketing and blogger outreach is actually social. It is also a skill. My Blog and Social Media Consulting business relies on authentic social interaction, so I get super annoyed when I see people…
9 Reasons Why Life Needs a Yoast SEO Plugin
This week I was resting in Savasana relaxation pose after my fitness class at the YMCA and my mind was wandering. It’s been a busy, emotional season getting Ainsley registered for high school, and then there was the near concussion mishap for Payton. Too much time at the emergency room of a local hospital. Breathing and doing my corpse pose, my mind wandered. Had I done the right thing signing her up for high school nearby? Will she miss her friends too much? Will her older sister resent having her younger sister at the same school? Then too many clients owe me money right now. Why has my one client…
Exclusive Printable Find The Letter ABC Book
It’s time to start thinking about school! As in, your little people born in 2014 are now ready in the province of Ontario to register for school. That’s exciting. I can still remember my daughter’s first day of school. I was so cool, and my daughter marched right in to kindergarten and never looked back. Then, all of a sudden one of my closest friends whose son was in grade 2 already looked at me and said: “OH MY GOODNESS I can’t believe it’s her first day of school.” Well, if that didn’t open the floodgates and I cried my eyes out standing there. Her sympathy at that time sent…
Getting on Track with Sharpie and Paper Mate #SpreadJoy #Giveaway
I have partnered with YMC and Sharpie/Paper Mate and have received compensation for this post. All opinions in the post are my own. Getting on track for the school year is especially important when the kids hit junior high and high school. Every year is important, but it seems like time is starting to run out when your kids hit high school. Grades, volunteering, extracurriculars – are all incredibly important for college and university admission. This year it’s crucial the kids have everything they need to stay on task. Sharpie and Paper Mate offer tools that make getting on track and staying on track easy. Getting on Track with Team Payton…
London Ontario Lifestyle Bloggers – Local Influencers
London Ontario Lifestyle Bloggers are actually quite a force of nature. In fact I have seen so many over the years since I began writing on line. As some of you know Thrifty Mommas Tips began in 2009. It was a way to get back into writing after a lengthy absence from my job as a journalist at the London Free Press. Happy to say I am still here and loving what I do. I attended an event in Arva last night and met a new blogger and we got talking. She asked are there many London Ontario Lifestyle bloggers? Well, in fact, yes there are I said. Local London crafty…
Spring Cleaning for Your Blog – Dust off the Cobwebs
Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home. If you’re a blogger, it’s also for your blog and your posts. Much like our homes, blogs need a yearly “deep clean” to be sure the dust is gone and any small cracks in the facade are fixed. These tips on spring cleaning your blog can help you breathe new life into your blog and get you on track for the rest of the year. Spring Cleaning – A Deep Clean Your Blog Needs The following tips serve double duty and are invaluable tools to help you keep your blog rolling along. Not only do these tips help your blog work better, but…
Zambia Fellowship – Preparing For The Journey #VaccinesWork #travel
I’m sitting in a travel clinic getting a typhoid shot and a prescription for anti-malarial pills. Today this is what work looks like as I prepare to visit Zambia in October. It’s a Tuesday morning and I am talking typhoid, Twinrix, safety precautions, Canadian embassies and Malaria. Not my average day in the office. A few weeks ago I learned that I was one of the lucky journalists who received a Fellowship with the UN Foundation and an advocacy group called Shot@Life. Together with 2 other bloggers and a doctor with a regular column in a US newspaper, I will travel to Zambia. The itinerary is evolving, but it mostly looks like…
What Next? My New Travel Goals #travel
It hit me on the flight back from Martin County, Florida this summer. As accomplished as I feel when I travel, and meet a new challenge and tick something off my list, I sometimes feel a bit directionless afterwards. Do you know the feeling I mean? Kayaking, paddle boarding, surfing, turtle nesting tours…On this one particular trip I did so many awesome activities that I had to stop and ask myself what next? What haven’t I done on a trip? Where haven’t I been? What are my new travel goals? Sitting there on the plane, exhausted from surfing lessons earlier that day, I quickly thought of zip lining. That’s the next thing,…
When Feel Free To Share and Free Content Means No Budget
(A few weeks ago I posted this on my Facebook page. Sadly, I have had a big reason to post it again today. I can’t believe some people find it okay to repeatedly ask writers and influencers, editors and others, for constant freebies. This is my letter that I have actually cut and pasted a couple of times and sent to absurd requests ever since June 16. Feel Free to share this free content. In fact feel free to send a link to this post next time someone asks you to do a free twitter party, or a free post, or a free batch of tweets.) I’m putting this to…
May That’s So Random Funny Blog Comments
It’s almost June! What the what? How did that happen? We are almost halfway through a year. I need more time. I need more hours in my day. Where’s my pause button! On the flip side, it’s almost June which means Yeah for me it’s almost summer. I am a summer girl. It’s my jam. And if you know me at all then you also know random funny blog comments are also my jam. I enjoy reading through the whackadoo gibberish that pops up here from time to time because seriously why not? This is my May highlight real. A Mom has to get her kicks somehow. Random Funny Blog…