It’s Time for the March Edition of That’s So Random Funny Comments
OH MY GOODNESS where did March go? No idea. Anyways, here we go again. As you may know if you frequent this blog often I like to occasionally take stock and filter through my spam comments to see if any legitimate comments from you lovely readers got trapped in there. I do that once a month at least. Today I found three legitimate blog comments that are not spam so I approved them. YIPEE! See that’s like a little bit of gold hidden in the bottom of your old purse…the one with the lint and old gum. And the others, well, you be the judge here – are some of…
My February That’s So Random Odd Spammy Blog Comments – Third Edition
Hello there!! February is almost done, which is outrageous really! I mean two months of 2016 are done already. Sometimes the days go way too fast for me here. Anyways, I started this series way back at the end of 2015 because I checked my Spam folder and found a selection of hilarious and odd blog comments. I thought the oddball spammy comments were too comical to let go. And out of that came That’s So Random series. This is the third edition of That’s So Random oddball funny blog comments. Part 1 was here – Oddball Blog Comments and that was a selection of 2015’s best spam comments. January’s…
That’s So Random Feature – Odd Blog Comments – January 2016 Second Edition
Alrighty then! I started this feature very recently and it has been amusing to me, and readers have responded well to it too. But mostly it makes me laugh, so why not? I have decided to make it a monthly feature here at Thrifty Momma’s Tips. That’s right. That’s so random is my new feature sharing the strangest spam comments from readers and bots each month. To read ODD Blog Comments from 2015, you can visit my That’s So Random first edition post here. People who blog, write, or run a web site, are putting themselves out there every day. Sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes that is…
That’s So Random – Odd Blog Comments
Your comments are gold! Your comments are wonderful! They are magical and well thought out and they are evidence that you are highly intelligent and sophisticated life form. I love it when you share your smart brains and thoughts and words in comment form. It makes me happy. You might not always agree with me, and that’s fine, but you are reading and that’s the most important thing here. If you are also a blogger, then you know bloggers treasure comments. We often read each one. Prospective, and current clients, read them too. They are fuel that sometimes keeps us going. They are also our currency. Comments are a measure of…
Canadian Bloggers and a Linky from #BBNYC #SweetSuite2015 #WordlessWednesday
I didn’t have a chance to share this one yet on Instagram or anywhere else. This shot is one of my favourites from Sweet Suite at Blogger Bash New York City earlier this month. Three Canadian bloggers taking a break from networking and meeting with all the brands. It was a great event, with so many great sponsors I look forward to sharing with you soon. This is one of my dearest friends, Margarita Ibbott, @downshiftingpro and the other half of @linkedmoms. I am of course in the middle and the lovely Katrina Thom of @TOTSFamily is on the end. There were actually several Canadian bloggers at the conference, old…
Work It Like a RockStar! Six Business Lessons From Gene Simmons
Lately I have been thinking a lot about business and how we function as business people. Every entrepreneur out there in 2015 knows that the economy and workplace have changed dramatically in the last 10 years. The digital economy, email, the workplace and the business of social media have all changed the nature of work. The fact that I have a social media consulting business, as owner of Thrifty Mom Media, and a blog here in this space, is proof of how the market has changed. The culture of technology has given me a space to build and operate a successful business. This spring I attended the Art of Marketing…
Next Issue Canada – Get Your Magazine Fix #NextIssueCA
I love magazines. I love to read magazines. I love to write for magazines. It’s a love/love relationship. That’s why I’m excited about Next Issue Canada. Next Issue Canada lets me get my magazine fix without lugging around a massive stack of heavy magazines. I love that, because, frankly, my shoulder gets tired! Next Issue Canada – Magazine Magic I’ve always been a big reader, but magazines have always been the most fun for me. I love everything about them. From the stories, to the pictures, to the ads, magazines make me happy. What doesn’t do it for me is how heavy and unwieldy a stack of magazines can be.…
Arizona Canucks #Mom2summit #WordlessWednesday #travel
Okay now don’t pay attention to my hideous bangs that were not behaving in this picture. At the time I really didn’t care. This picture was taken on our last day together at Mom 2.0 summit in Arizona. These ladies are simply fabulous and if you don’t follow them yet, you must. Merry Spooner Kuchle (whose name I finally figured out how to pronounce correctly) has an infectious personality and was my roommate on this, my second ever Mom 2.0 conference experience. She blogs at Merry About Town and lives in Calgary. Debbie Kee Balino is Babystylista. She rocks. She is THE baby and toddler fashion blogger. She also occasionally blogs…
A Tale of Two Pitches: Dos and Dont’s of Pitching Bloggers #blogging #business
I had a peculiar and wonderful week and I wanted to share why. As I write this I am about to board a plane with my family to fly to Tremblant. A public relations company reached out beautifully to connect with me and start what I hope will be a lasting relationship. They did everything right from the moment we first connected. But more about that in a minute. This week I also had a pitch that was so far off the mark it left me shaking my head, so I wanted to take this post to share this story: a tale of two pitches to examine what went right…
What’s in a Word? You May Not Call Me Mommy Blogger
I apologize in advance for this small rant of mine. It is a little thing. An issue that is just nagging at the back of my brain like a itch begging for a scratch and so I clearly have to scratch it today, right now. This itch is a bit about me, but more so about business and professionalism and the spaces in which we use words to define us and label us. See right now, this itchy thing is threatening to become a full blown rash and I swear I know full well that is TMI and way more than you needed to know dear reader, but I can’t.…