Thursday Western Fair Thank You
Thursday is a happy day here. We were part of the outcry that challenged Western Fair to change their policy and last night they admitted they had made a mistake. That is, in my opinion, a cause to celebrate. What was at issue: the changes to fair pricing that meant disabled people and their attendant workers were going to be charged admission. For us here that meant that Ainsley, 6, with special needs would be charged admission and so would any support worker or attendant care worker we sent to the fair with her. That policy throughout the city is often inconsistent and frankly unfair. I had always stated I have no problem paying for my child to attend anything this city has to offer, but paying the attendant care worker’s admission price is not okay with me. That worker is a helper for a special needs person who needs an accommodation to access a program or event most others can attend independently in London. Yesterday as I was writing the fair board of governors, my children also decided to send their own letters. So yesterday afternoon we delivered a bunch to city hall and one to the Mayor and we emailed the Western Fair board. Then last night lovely Anna Vlachos of A channel came to interview us and the segment aired at 11 p.m. The policy is changed. We spoke up and my children learned an amazing lesson yesterday in democracy. So today, in keeping with good advocacy policy and what I often teach in my workshops, we will follow up with a simple thank you. That’s usually my last tip: Never forget your manners when advocating!
We definately need to stand up for our rights and others…you go girl!
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Marcie W.
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I love the sale roundup too! TY!!
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Melissa here from MomsReview4You. Just wanted to let you know that I am following your blog! I would LOVE it if you could follow mine too!
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