Back To School
Back to school is both a happy and challenging time depending on what your family dynamic is. While my kids are often happy to resume their schedules and get back to seeing their friends after a long summer away, I am sometimes a bit ambivalent. Fall is not my favourite season and the summer months with their long warm days of swimming pools, cottages, camping and beaches are simply my favourite. Who can resist the pull of a beach or cottage and the relaxing long bright sunny days? But whether you like it or not back to school comes on time every single year so here's a little bit of help to get you entire family ready for that change.
Bittersweet August Algebra #specialneeds
August is the strangest month if you parent a child with special needs. Why is that? Patience and I will tell you. August is day camps, if you are lucky, and if you have found a camp that can accommodate a child with whatever needs your child might have. It is cottage and beach and sand and water and full on sensory experiences pretty much everywhere. Swimming, I am told, by a very clever friend of mine is akin to the body receiving a full head to toe hug. The ultimate sensory immersion experience. My girl has some special needs, not the least of which is the sensory processing disorder,…
Time for #LinkedMoms #GoingBack Party – $100 Gift Card
It’s time for a party. #LinkedMoms and Staples Canada are throwing a Back to School Twitter Party and this is your chance to win. We Have five great chances to win a gift card for Staples Canada products. 4 prizes of $25 and one grand prize of $100 What could you buy with a $100 Staples Canada gift card? Well, I think I would start with this: Because my kids are in love with YTV and these are very hot commodities advertised on Next Star, our favourite show. And they look fun. (I secretly want one to play with myself so it’s really a present for me.) And I kind…
When Back to School Means Skin Breakouts: Two Chances to Win #Giveaway
Nothing screams back to school like a skin breakout. It happens every time your child, or even you, have a special event scheduled and the anticipation plus the erratic eating leading up to the event paints your skin an angry mess of acne, blackheads, pimples and stress. So what to do? From the time I was a teenager, Oxy and Phisoderm, were routine fixtures in our bathroom. Phisoderm was a great tool for daily face washing and skin maintenance as soon as I hit the teen years. Back then the packaging looked a lot different than it does now, but some things remain the same. The quality of the product…
Back to School Shopping with Sears #SearsBTS
Five outfits. Two girls. Just over $100. I Love the math this year!! Yesterday was Back To School Day. We started the day with martial arts day camp, because it is a very busy work week for me, but I pulled my youngest out for a quick school visit to familiarize her with the building and the classroom again. It’s one of those necessary events that happen most years in late August. The visit went really well and it was funny seeing the school so empty and messy still. (Lots of work to do there before Sept. 3rd) Ainsley met up with her teacher and gave her a quick update…
Staples Canada First Ever Twitter Party #Linkedmoms #GoingBack
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Why is that? We’re having a twitter party for Back to School. LinkedMoms and Staples Canada have partnered to bring you all the 2013 trends, must haves and technological tools to make your child’s year brilliant. Have you got this year’s backpacks yet? What about your notebooks? Laptop computers? This is your official invitation. We have some great Staples Canada gift card prizes to give away. Who: Linked Moms Twitter PartyWhen: August 28th at 8 p.m. EST.Please follow our sponsor @StaplesCanada and our hosts @inkscrblr @linkedmoms and @downshiftingpro You must be Canadian to win. Please follow the above twitter handles as well…
Flatten Me Personalized Products #BTS #Giveaway
I wish you could have seen the smile this water bottle put on my daughter’s face this week. Oh, I know, I know, everyone on the planet has ten water bottles already, right? Maybe so, but do you have one with your face on a superhero body? Or do you have one where your child is posed as a princess? I didn’t think so. Who doesn’t like personalized items? Most of the kids I know adore finding things with their name on them, or seeing it on a T-shirt. Well, has a host of items from books, to water bottles and t-shirts. They are simple to prepare and…
Five Fast Wake Up Ideas for Tweens #YOP #BTS and a Coupon
They sure are sweet when they are sleeping. But try to get them to wake up and watch the fun! I am taking tweens and teens of course. And they rarely jump for joy when the alarm goes off. But here are a few ways I help wake up my tween and teen. Oh, we all joke that when they are sleeping they are angels, right? But, wake up time? Well, that’s a whole other ball game. My youngest daughter has always been the kind that springs out of bed bouncing with so much energy I wish I could market that. But my oldest girl, well let’s just say that…
My Back to School Fashion Rant #BTS
My daughter is not a Barbie. She will never fit into skinny jeans. She is my first born. My heart. A talented, kind-hearted, perfectionist who rocks pretty much everything she does. (with exception of ballet, which she could never get the hang of, and one tiny area of math called measurement ) She is not a Barbie. She is not standard issue. She is a beautiful, smart, healthy, athletic kid. Payton swims like a fish, just got third place at a dive meet in town, sings soprano with an acting troupe. She loves science and drawing and collects other kids who need help, then she lends them her seat, or…
Back to School and 2013 Special #Kindermom Treats
The first week back to school after Christmas break can be traumatic, or joyful depending on your perspective. Getting the kids up and out the door after two weeks of sleeping in and not setting an alarm clock is trying to say the least. So, when treats arrived at my doorstep in the form of Kindersurprises that first afternoon my kids were back to school, well I knew how to use them. After I pick my children up from school, the first thing I hear typically is this: “I am starving.” “Can we have McDonald’s, Reese’s pieces, a peanut butter sandwich, or something to eat, right away?” Yesterday I got…
#WordlessWednesday – My Nemesis
Meet my nemesis, aka daughter number two.Wordless Wednesday is a photo meme. Link up and leave comments.I like to link up here: