Five Easy Natural Ways to Tackle Hot Flashes #Health
Menopause changes everything. But it doesn’t have to be horrid. Menopause generally occurs between the ages of 40-50 years old and it is basically a big hormone shift that causes all sorts of side effects including hot flashes. I remember my Mom and her friends talking about hot flashes. They sounded bizarre to a kid at the time, and now it’s my friends talking hot flashes.
Hot flashes are basically just an episode of when you get really hot and begin sweating profusely, they come out of nowhere and they can feel awful! Sometimes these hot flashes last for just a couple minutes but they can even last for an hour or so.
Today I thought I would share a few tips and tricks on how to relieve those hot flashes more quickly and keep you comfortable. Surprising fact: I did not know before I researched this post that you should drink more water when you are menopausal. That said, it’s pretty much always a good idea at any age.
[tweetthis]Hydrate more when you are having hot flashes. You actually need more water during menopause. [/tweetthis]
-Water: If you’re experiencing a hot flash or you feel one coming on, try drinking a nice cool glass of water. This will keep you hydrated as well as cool down your body temperature. If you are currently going through menopause, it is really recommended to drink more water per day than what is recommended for typical consumption.
-Relax: A lot of times being up and moving can bring on a hot flash, if this occurs take a minute to sit down and relax for a few minutes to allow your hot flash to diminish and you will feel a lot of better!
-Breathe: Another really great way to relieve hot flashes is take a minute to stop whatever you are doing and just take about 5-7 deep breaths in and out. This will help to calm down your body and relieve that hot flash.
-Sage Tea: Sage is a great natural source to help to bring down your hot flashes. A great way to take sage is in a sage tea. You can find these pre made or make it up yourself and you will feel so much better within just a couple minutes!
-Cool Towel: A really simple solution for your hot flashes is to simple wet a rag with cool water and just place that on your forehead for a few minutes. This can bring down your whole body temperature and should relieve that hot flash pretty quickly. There are also a few products on the market that are essentially cooling towels that you can carry in your purse for when you are out.
Hot flashes can be absolutely horrible and so uncomfortable, but with these simples tips you should become a lot more manageable and should diminish in length and severity! So if you are currently suffering from hot flashes, try out a few of these tips and you will feel so much better.
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BRenda P
Ugh, I have hot flashes! They seem to come and go as they please. Grrr… these are great tips though. Passing them along to some friends I know could use em.
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
I will keep these in mind for the future! I am not that far away!
Amanda || Growing Up Madison
I haven’t started getting them as yet but I know that they’ll be on me soon. I will be using this info to help me get over them for sure.
Joy oh joy! I can’t wait to get older! These are great tips. I never realized that sage tea would help good to know!!
Sarah Bailey
I’m going to have to try and remember these, I do get hot flushes quite often, they are such a nightmare. x
Kristen from The Road to Domestication
I’m not at the age for these as of yet, but from watching my mom I know they’re miserable! Great tips!
Liz Mays
This is really helpful advice. I hadn’t considered sage tea before. I can see how that would be helpful.
Lois Alter Mark
These are all good tips. Menopause is definitely not for the faint of heart!
Geez – how am I already scouring the net about menopause? Good to be prepared… but yeah – I remember hearing about hot flashes and not comprehending it. And now I have girlfriends who are giving me advice about preparing for it within the next 10 years. Great great tips!! I’m bookmarking this for sure, and sending this off to a few friends who have already started the conversation… 🙂
Amber NElson
I am so not looking forward to this day I start getting hot flashes.
Aeryn Lynne
Oh man, hot flashes can start at 40?? Eep, I had no clue. Mind you, there were times where I already felt like I was having one, so am curious, but not eagre, to find out what one really feels like! Go to know, thanks for the heads up hun! <3
Mama to 5 BLessings
I am not there in my life yet. Thankfully! I see my mom go through it and I do not look forward to it!
Heather Pfingsten
Thank you for these tips! My mom has been experiencing hot flashes and she has tried almost everything but Sage Tea. I will be turning her on to this new product and tell her to keep pushing forward with these other helpful tips.
I’m not there yet, thank God. I am not looking forward to this
Lisa Rios
I can understand how uneasy & irritating it could be to deal with Hot flashes. I think these are some important tips to keep note for my future & to suggest my elder friends as well.
Randa @ The Bewitchin' Kitchen
Hydration is so important! That’s a great tip. I have seen those click freeze gel things at mall kiosks, I bet they would be a great relief.
Heather Lynne
Oh man, not looking forward to that! 😉 Good to know there are things to try that can help though!