Fun Family Fitness with Zamzee and a #Giveaway
Have you heard of Zamzee? Well, picture a pedometer for kids with an attached USB that earns you great prizes like an iPod shuffle, or XBox games. Fun Family Fitness with incentives like prizes and games that encourage more activity. Got your attention? Are you up off the couch lunging for the computer to find out how to order one? Well, what are you waiting for? Both my girls got Zamzees from Blogher 12. They were souvenirs from the many exhibitors. Now, anyone who knows me, or knows my kids also knows we are one of the busiest, active families around. Combined we do: martial arts, swimming, pilates, acting, singing, dancing, horseback riding and regular workouts, centergy, bicycling, soccer, oh and the usual backyard fun activities all together as a family. And my little one runs and is hoping she can join her school cross country team this year. So why do we need things to make us more active?
These pictures above are a few of the rare moments I captured my active girls slowing down long enough for the camera to focus. Even though we are always busy, or so it seems, there are times when everyone needs a small reminder to get up off the couch, turn off the television or Youtube, and go work those muscles. We all need a little help now and then. From time to time everyone has a sluggish day. We are all allowed that. But, the daily recommended requirement of physical activity for children aged 5 to 11 is one full hour for each child. Sometimes, it’s not as easy as it sounds every day to make that. A lot of lessons can run 30 minutes to 45, depending on your child’s age. The Public Health Agency of Canada recommends moderate to vigorous level activity for one full hour for each child. The benefits are many: improved social skills, stronger heart, bones and muscles, higher self esteem, improved concentration. For children with mental health issues or illnesses this requirement can be incredibly important as part of the treatment to stay well and maintain a life balance that helps improve their condition.
The Zamzee is an idea that seems so simple, you might think now why didn’t I come up with that. The child wears the Zamzee close to the waist for accuracy. It is safe and it record steps and activity all day. My kids put them on and instantly raced around the house. So naturally I chased them outside. My youngest then logged on to the Zamzee web site where there is also a dashboard for parents and she immediately started personalizing her little avatar character – this is an activity that always makes her happy. Then we peeked at the prizes you can get just for being active. Wii games like Just Dance, iPod shuffle? Or an iPad case? Well, my daughter was hooked instantly. Win an iPod shuffle is the new goal. All of the rewards are things that encourage your child to get active and stay active. The Zamzee is a tiny device and it’s fairly innocuous. You can’t get it wet, so our swimming lessons don’t qualify as points. But over on the site you can upload your activity and it assigns you points or issues you challenges. In all honesty, I am loving this site as much as the kids. The dashboard helps me keep the kid’s activity monitored. I can also approve or not approve the accounts, so nobody will log on by accident and the site is safe for children and family friendly. All data is safe and confidential. The prizes are incredible and I can’t wait to report back when we EARN one. The gadget itself comes in a couple of colors and can also unlock badges on line for accomplishments in real life. Research shows kids using Zamzees increased their physical activity by 30 %.
A small caveat here. I love this product and the philosophy is great. The product itself is excellent. BUT..One night before bed I was putting some laundry in the wash and one of the Zamzees fell on the cement floor of the laundry room. The case broke and I couldn’t put it back together. The USB is still fine and I could tape the side together and my child could still wear it. The other Zamzee is fully in tact. So be warned – try not to drop them on a cement floor. I inquired about that issue and another replacement meter is coming. The company response is that the Zamzee 2.0 next version will address durability. For the time being if one breaks the company will send a replacement. For giant group orders – I know some schools have suggested they would like a big batch of Zamzees – I would wait for the Zamzee 2.0 so you are as happy with the product as possible. I think when they are handled carefully and used as intended this device is incredible!
The Zamzee costs $29.95. I was not compensated for this review, but I received free product. You can also follow Zamzee on Facebook and Twitter. Twitter
Zamzee gets a $$$$ out of $$$$$.
My opinion is all my own. I have one Zamzee to give away for a Canadian or US winner. I also have an amazing 25 % off discount code for people who don’t want to wait. Use this code: LUVZZ2012 and save 25 %!!! Trust me you want this code. a Rafflecopter giveaway

You’ve got a picture of it on this post. The trampoline!
Paula Schuck
Lol, yup that’s your girly jumping with mine.
Denise G
Swimming – it is fun!
ontariohappychick at gmail dot com
I encourage walking instead of riding in the car or bus, and working in the cgarden.
I find it hard to stay active, but just generally being outside is always a good start.
Adina H.
Annie Brown
we go hunting for caches it requires lots of hiking to fun and interesting places.
Mariah @ FormulaMom.com
Love the idea behind this! Keeping kids active as they grow up is so important!
Mama Luvs Books
We go on walks together at night!
we are outside a lot, since we live in the mountains.
We are outside constatnly and my kids love moving! This would be fantastic for us!
What a great idea! Glad to know it may break when dropping though – seems they’d make it more sturdy when it’s being worn by children – just have to be careful!