Last Chance for Back to School Week #TMMBTS
Well here we are almost the end of August. Tear. Tear. Sad panda face. I love me a good summer break. Mostly, I love beautiful weather and gorgeous hot sunny beaches. But I can see the writing on the wall and it spells: Back to School. So this coming week is all about Back to School at Thrifty Momma’s Tips.
This coming week, or two if I need to go longer with the amount of stuff I want to highlight here, will be dedicated to bringing my readers all the best products. The cutest fashions, supplies and even a few tips and tricks for back to school will be featured front and centre here as we all start over fresh in a new grade with new possibilities. We have some lovely items to share!!
Now I am not going to lie. I am far from ready. I have some great supplies ready to go and I am starting to turn my head to the idea of preparing the kids for the routine. I am also contemplating all of the coming changes to my schedule. More work and new clients, which is exciting, but means we all have to make some changes and we all have to take on some more responsibilities.
When I was a kid I loved summer, but I also really loved Back to School. Why? Well we did some back to school shopping and we got new stuff every year. I liked showing up in what I thought was a stylish new outfit every September and I really loved the thrill of finding out who my new teacher was and who my new classmates would be. Also, I still kind of love the smell of a brand new pencil case and pencil crayons that have yet to be worn down by the classroom sharpener. School made me happy and I loved learning.
Anyways, this week I am sharing school accessories, necessities and routines.
Brands: this is your last chance to get in on a sponsored post, review or giveaway.
All of the brands I work on the Back to School calendar will be pinned to my Pinterest Back to School board and shared with a hashtag #TMMBTS
Masshole Mommy
My kids go back on Wednesday and I am so sad that summer is over. It went by way too fast this year.
I used to like summer vacation but still get excited about back to school shopping too. 🙂 I always loved school though, I still do. 🙂
Amanda Ripsam
My daughter goes back to School the 2ed always the day after Labor day. I think it’s great your giving company’s a chance to review products with you for back to school. I wish I would have thought of something like that to let company’s know your friendly enough to work with them. I hope you get to work with a few more brands. I’m excited to see your back to school board. routine has been the hardest for me to get back on not sure how I’m going to manage getting the kids up at 6:30 again.
I really love that backpack with chevron stripes. Back to school already, it goes so fast.
Melanie Scout
My daughter is starting Kindergarten this year. We only need a few things, and I think I have it all, but I’m not emotionally prepared. 🙂
Jennifer Williams
We head back next week and I am not happy, I have one that will be a senior and one will be starting kindergarten and I am not handling that very well! We have tons of supplies I have stocked up on over the last couple years and would not need to buy a single thing this year. Unfortunately we moved 6 months ago and are still in boxes and I have no idea where anything is. This means I will be buying supplies because I can not find what we have yet.
Liz Mays
I hated when school started because I couldn’t bear for my kids to be gone all day. I did love the sense of a fresh start Fall brought with it though.
Kristen Campbell
We’re already back to school here in Central Florida, but I’m sure your tips will still apply. And I LOVE that Chevron backpack!!!
April @ 100lb Countdown
My son is back to school already so I had to get everything already. I love that my son loves school, but I miss the casualness of summer. I can’t wait to see everything!
Sarah-Louise Bailey
I used to hate going back to school – loved buying the stationary for it though and I’m still a stationary lover to this day x
Denise Gabbard
Even though I have been out of school for many years, I still think of fall as a time of renewal…love the crisp mornings and seeing all the little ones excited to see their friends. Really cool backpack, by the way!
(Terry) My Journey With Candida
Summer flew by so fast!! The kids in my area started today. Peace and Quiet!!
Coolmoms Cooltips
we are already a week into back to school but slowly getting back to normalcy
summer still in the air for us so our minds are doing homework and jumping in the pool at the same time
Heather @ Girl Gone Mom
She looks ready to go! I love that fun pattern on the backpack.
Rena McDaniel
I love the backpack. I don’t have any kids in school anymore mine are adult with babies or babies on the way. I love the start of the school year still, this is my New Year. When I make my goals for the year of what I want to accomplish. I also love the back to school sales! Time to shop and save!
Alice Chase
Our kids just went back today! I am missing the lazy days of summer already.
Chrissy Mazzocchi
My kids started last Wednesday, it gets so chaotic! Especially that first week or two
Lois Alter Mark
I always loved back to school time. My youngest just graduated college, and this is the first year we don’t have any kids going back to school. It feel so weird.
Krystal Butherus
Her backpack is so cute and colorful. Can’t believe it’s august already!
My kids go back next week and thankfully we are all ready. I imagine the stores will be crazy this week-end.
Tough Cookie Mommy
We go back to school here in New York City next week. I’m not sure I’m ready yet as the summer has gone by way too quickly.
Jeanine @
I love her backpack! I am kind of looking forward to back to school week, for all the excitement and busy’ness that comes along with it!
Hard to believe it is here. Kids in this area have already been back in school for 2 weeks. Where did the summer go. Looking forward to what you post.
I am a teacher and one of my favourite things about back to school is getting new stationery. I am going shopping on Wednesday and can’t wait!
Theresa Mahoney
I always loved back to school shopping too. And I do still love the smell of opening a fresh box of crayons!
Ben Butler
My nephew started school this week. It’s sad no to have him around as much, but then again… it’s also awesome.
Ronnie E.
I also loved back to school shopping when I was younger. 🙂 It gave me a chance to get all these beautiful, new, fresh notebooks, pencils, folders.. I just loved it.
Carmen Perez
I’ve never liked “Back to School”, I am definitely a summer person and love to enjoy the time off with my daughter. But thankfully, she does like Back to School time.
I always loved back to school shopping when I was a kid. Now it gives me angina! LOL But I do love the fall weather.
Nikki Harvey
I liked back to school shopping when I was a kid, just didn’t like the actual going back to school part LOL.
Celebrity VIP Lounge
I’m always glad for school to start, get those kids back into routine. Amber N
melissa brouillette
SUPER CUTE!! Love the chevron stripes!
The Positive MOM
I’m going to have to check out those pin boards for more. She looks adorable.
Jen - Life With Levi
Our girls are already back in school. It’s definitely a busy time of year.
Chene @prototypemama
My oldest son started 3 weeks ago and I just started our homeschool schedule this week with my little ones– I love back to school time. It brings balance back into the house.
Aisha Kristine Chong
school shopping was actually fun, I have fun when I was schooling lol
NC Sue
WAY cool!
Please share at
Le-an Lai Lacaba
I loved shopping for school things. And now that my little sisters are not so little anymore, they are beginning to love it too!
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year….”
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year…”
I love back to school traditions! I try to do them with my son, even though we homeschool. I always went back to school the Tues after Labor Day so that’s what we do at home!