Fun Spring Break Recap Activity
Well, Spring Break this year has been full of surprises already. Just a few weeks ago we were all assuming that spring break would be in March as usual. But then it got shifted to April here in Ontario. That was clearly shocking to many people. I’m not sure it matters anymore, I mean not like we are able to travel or go anywhere outside the province. Whether spring break is in March or April seems like a trivial thing after this year that we have had. Dates hardly matter these days. Many of us wake up still and wonder what the heck day it is! Ultimately, what matters most…
How to Create a Fun Family Time Capsule
Right now, if you are looking for creative pursuits that are a little bit out of the ordinary, you might consider making a time capsule with your family. Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I receive a small commission from purchases made via qualifying links. I have a few easy printables to help pass the time. This time capsule is a great idea to get kids involved in sharing a piece of history that they might celebrate years from now. At the very least, it is worth noting some of the events of this past year. While it might not have been the best year, to…
My Oxygen Mask and Life During a Pandemic
Huddle up real close. I have something to say regarding life this past year. But wait just a moment, my oxygen mask is askew. Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on First You know on airplanes before takeoff when the flight attendants give you that safety demonstration? Oh, I know you are supposed to be listening, but honestly a lot of us have zero interest in the safety demo when we just want to get to where we are going. Right? Lately, I have been reflecting on that simple statement – please put your own oxygen mask on before securing others. Hunting for My Oxygen Mask Ever since the second lockdown…
Easter Colour by Number Activity Sheet
Spring is here. Now, that’s cause for celebration. So, I thought I’d share this cute Easter Colour by Number activity sheet with you. Post contains affiliate links as a service to readers. I make a small commission off of qualifying purchases. Is spring is in the air, then Easter can’t be far behind. But that means a whole mess of weather in between. Rain and sometimes snow is still on the agenda. One Year Ago… OH BOY, it is hard to believe where we were one year ago. How has it been one year since the start of the pandemic here in Ontario? Such a hard year. But I still…
Spring Writing Prompts for Early Language Arts Literacy
When I was a child I was all about early language arts and what they called reading and writing back then. So, I would have loved these early spring writing prompts. I devoured books and collected words and started stories often. Growing Kids Who Love Reading and Writing From the moment I was old enough to hold a crayon, I was always building stories. I didn’t necessarily need the writing prompts, or any prompts but if my teacher or my Mom had given me a pretty project sheet like this I would have been all over it. This spring I have a lot of fun free printable worksheets for you…
How to Hold a St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt This Year
Doesn’t a St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt sound like fun this month? Keeping Spirits Up Like a lot of you I am trying to keep spirits up a bit this year. So, with that in mind, even though we don’t typically have huge St. Patrick’s Day Treasure Hunt celebrations here, I thought this might be a fun opportunity this year. Easy Ideas and Treasures to Share With a few simple treasures, like candy from the bulk baking store nearby, or small craft items from the Dollar Store, you can set up a cute little treasure hunt in your home. Each of these little squares is a clue that the kids…
Horse Life Cycle Learning Games Booklet
What do you know about the horse life cycle? What do your kids know about horses? This horse life cycle learning kit is four pages and it might help reinforce a love of literacy while nurturing compassion for living things in general. My daughter rides horses and she has a passion for them. She’s been riding at Sari Therapy Riding since she was about 5 or 6 and she’s 16 now. She looks forward to doing this weekly and knows a lot more about horses than I ever have in my entire life. She has done summer camps that involve horseback riding and therapeutic riding lessons as well as dressage. In the…
Fun Backyard Bingo Game for Families
Are you starting to feel cooped up and a little restless? But, it’s still time to be cautious with your local travels? Post may contain affiliate links as a service to readers. I receive a small commission via qualifying purchases. Then why not add this cute printable Backyard Bingo game to your repertoire of easy and free family activities to share. When the snow melts and the ground starts to thaw it is a wonderful time to get outside. If you have a backyard then you know how important that has been over the past year or so. I mean ours is always important but we need this space again…
Cute St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt
Well, I know it’s not exactly right around the corner or anything but here’s to St. Patrick’s Day. This year, we are celebrating with a St. Patrick’s Day Scavenger Hunt and maybe some green foods or drinks. It was St. Patrick’s Day roughly in 2020 when Coronavirus kicked it up a great deal and sent us all for a loop here. Our spring break vacation was cancelled entirely when the border between Canada and the US was closed to travel. That was a very hard period of time and the start of a long haul through 2020. But, here we are closer to the end of this pandemic. Still Struggling?…
How to Build in Digital Breaks – Spring Brain Breaks Game
When my kids were younger, we incorporated a lot of brain breaks into the day. Physical activity was and still is a huge priority. But, these days, as we all know, the world is a wildly different place than it was just in 2019, a couple of years ago. Still, I am working on taking spring brain breaks often. Here’s Why Brain Breaks Matter Right Now Our Brains and Bodies are Taxed. Our brains are on all the time these days and they are often overwhelmed and at the tipping point with stress, anxiety and virtual life. Brain breaks are still vital, in fact, even more than they ever have…