The Coffee Lover’s Ultimate Gift Guide
Are you barely functional without the morning java? Live for a latte? Incoherent before that second cup of Joe? I feel you. Me too. The good news is that if you have a friend like me, they are extremely easy to buy for any time of the year. Get them specialty coffees or coffee related gadgets and they will be happy as clams. My Ultimate Gift Guide for Coffee Lovers This gift guide is specifically for all of you who love your morning brew and can’t get by without it. You love the lattes and the Americanos and Espressos too. In fact some days you joke you’d get an IV…
Perfect Coffee at Home with Breville Precision Brewer
Waking up to perfect coffee that’s ready to drink is pretty much the best way to start any day. Now you need not be a barista to be able to make the perfect pot of coffee. Great coffee at home on demand is the name of the game with the Breville Precision Brewer Thermal. There are a few things I am constantly striving to perfect here in my home. One is meatloaf. My family likes meatloaf and it’s simple so I enjoy making it, but am always striving to get the perfect balance of flavours and spices. The other is the perfect cup of coffee. Perfect coffee just for me…
Avoid Migraines by Avoiding Foods that May Trigger Them
Avoid migraines by avoiding triggers. Because prevention really is worth a pound of cure when it comes to these debilitating headaches. Many people get migraines, but some might not know diet can play a role in these excruciatingly painful headaches – the kind of headaches that leave you locked in a dark quiet room, praying that the headache will go away. While the diet and migraine link is not a precise science, there is a lot of discussion and study around the fact that certain foods can worsen a pending migraine. I’ve found that one of the best ways to avoid migraines is to avoid foods that can trigger them. Avoid…
Enjoy Coffee Time Without Worrying #ChurchandDwight
Coffee time is simply essential. At least, it is for me. I love coffee. I cannot start my day without it. I need that jolt of pure go juice induced energy to get me started on my day. I used to be one of those people who had a pot of coffee ready to go pretty much all day. When my blood pressure started to be too high for my comfort though I trimmed right back. Note – trimmed back. I didn’t quit entirely because I love coffee time too much and I need it to power through busy days. That’s why September 29th, National Coffee Day, is one of…
Breakfast Mini Coffee Cakes #GayleaMom #Giveaways
So you are the happy hostess again this year for Christmas! You’ve got the turkey and the trimmings and the big dinner meal all mapped out. You’ve got dessert ingredients ready to go and lunches are in the bag because everyone will want turkey sandwiches after the big day itself. But what about breakfast? And the breaks in between, like the one you want to take when you get home from Boxing Day shopping. What’s a busy host or hostess to do? Well, I have an idea you can prep right now and have ready to go – Mini Coffee Cakes made with a hint of Gay Lea sour cream makes…
My Tim Horton’s Coffee Poll
When it comes to the question of Starbucks versus Tim Horton’s I cannot say I’m surprised in the least by the results of a poll this week crowning Timmies a favourite among Canucks. In the Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey released this week Starbucks fans were trounced by diehard Timmie’s lovers. In fact not only did Starbucks lose but Timmies kicked them to the curb 4 to 1. Given a choice I choose Timmie’s every time. Not only is the coffee better, not bitter, it’s simply fiscally more responsible. Give me my medium double double any day of the week. Cost = $1.28. Small double double $1.18. Take this order across…